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Photo Reports

August, 2017

  • 15 August

    Final preparations to launch the 59th session of Damascus International Fair

  • 15 August

    Sculpting workshops within the Third Youth Forum for Arts in Sweida

  • 14 August

    200 cyclists ride to New Fairgrounds in preparation for Damascus International Fair

  • 14 August

    SANA camera in al-Shukhna city after liberating it from ISIS terrorists

  • 12 August

    A football match between al-Tali’a and al-Majd teams in Hama

  • 7 August

    An artistic exhibition by young talented artists in Sweida

  • 5 August

    More than 100 pharmacy return to their normal work in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo

  • 3 August

    A concert at the stage of Dar al-Assad for Culture in Lattakia

  • 1 August

    An exhibition by a number of plastic artists in support of the Palestinian people

July, 2017

  • 28 July

    Bloudan Tourism Festival 2017 kicks off in Damascus Countryside

    Damascus countryside, SANA – Activities of Bloudan Tourism Festival 2017 kicked off in Bloudan city in Damascus Countryside on Thursday evening with songs of joy and love of the homeland …