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Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic

December, 2014

  • 22 December

    President al-Assad: Line should be drawn between fanaticism and religious faith

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad said the Syrians are quite aware of the truth about the situation in their own country, which opens up new prospects for religious work for drawing …

  • 21 December

    President al-Assad: The Syrians appreciate Iran’s stance, are determined to eradicate terrorism

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad stressed on Sunday the Syrians’ resolve to eradicate terrorism and extremist thoughts that are menacing the region and the world. During his meeting with …

  • 17 December

    Al-Halqi meets President Rouhani, relays message from President al-Assad

    Tehran, SANA – Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi on Tuesday met President of Iran Hassan Rouhani, relaying to him a message from President Bashar al-Assad on the development of bilateral relations …

  • 15 December

    Law amending decree regulating medical labs issued

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Monday issues law no. 34 for 2014 on amending decree no. 42 for 2012 on regulating the work of medical laboratories. The amendment …

  • 14 December

    New penalties imposed for unlicensed medical advertising

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad issued on Sunday Law no. 32 amending Article 8 of Law no. 7 for 2005 that is related to the system of the scientific …

  • 11 December

    President al-Assad meets Bogdanov, receives message from President Putin

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday received the special envoy for the Russian President, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, and the accompanying delegation. Bogdanov relayed an oral message …

  • 4 December

    President al-Assad: Syria won’t be a puppet state for the West “full Text”

    Damascus, SANA, President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to “Paris Match” Magazine, following is the full text of the interview: Question 1: Mr. President, three years into this war, and …

  • 4 December

    Date set for holding legislative elections to fill vacant Aleppo seat

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad issued on Thursday Decree no. 387 for 2014 setting January 17, 2015, as a date for holding legislative elections to fill a vacant seat …

  • 1 December

    President al-Assad: Palestinian cause most affected by ongoing events

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad received Monday members of the general secretariat of the Union of Palestinian Communities in Europe who wrapped up a recent conference in Damascus. The secretariat’s chairman …

November, 2014

  • 26 November

    Decree allowing repeating university students to move to next year

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad issued on Wednesday a decree no. 375 for 2014 allowing repeating university students who exhausted all opportunities to take exams for the first time …