Home / SANA photo (page 8)

SANA photo

June, 2018

  • 25 June

    President al-Assad’s interview given to Russian NTV Channel

  • 15 June

    President al-Assad performs Eid al-Fitr prayer in Tartous

  • 14 June

    President al-Assad’s interview given to Al-ALAM TV

  • 13 June

    President al-Assad’s interview given to Mail on Sunday

May, 2018

  • 31 May

    President Bashar al-Assad interview given to RT

  • 18 May

    President al-Assad receives Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Akhoundi

  • 13 May

    Higher Constitutional Court’s head and members sworn in before President al-Assad

  • 10 May

    President al-Assad in an interview given to Greek Kathimerini newspaper

April, 2018

  • 16 April

    President al-Assad receives United Russia Party delegation

  • 12 April

    President al-Assad receives Iranian Supreme Leader’s Top Adviser for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati