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Terrorists evacuated from Mahajjeh and Nawa in Daraa province

Daraa, SANA-Terrorists who refused to sign up to an agreement stipulating for eliminating all armed manifestations and the return of state institutions to Mahajja town in Daraa northern countryside have …

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Evacuation of second batch of terrorists from Quneitra countryside to the north of Syria continues

Quneitra, SANA – The process of evacuating the second batch of terrorists who refused to be part of the reconciliation process from Um Batina village in Quneitra countryside began on …

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Al-Qaterji industrial cluster in Aleppo resumes production, Video

Aleppo, SANA – Al-Qaterji industrial cluster in Aleppo has been totally recovered and resumed production after elimination of terrorism. The industrial cluster includes firms specialized in engineering, food, chemical and …

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Syria condemns the new Jewish racial law

Damascus, SANA- Syria condemned with the strongest terms the Jewish “nation-state law” which was approved by the Israeli Knesset, a source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Saturday. The …

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Armed groups in Mzerib and Yadoudah hand over their weapons to the army

Daraa, SANA-Armed groups in the towns of Mzerib and Yadoudah in Daraa western countryside on Saturday continued to hand over their heavy and medium arms to the Syrian Arab Army …

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Eshtabraq’s freed abductees and hundreds of Kefraya and al-Fouaa locals arrive in Lattakia city

Lattakia, SANA- Freed abductees of Ishtapraq village and hundreds of Kefraya and al-Fouaa towns arrived in Lattakia city on Friday. SANA’s reporter in Lattakia said that citizens in Lattakia city …

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Process of transporting locals from al-Fouaa and Kefraya to Aleppo ends

Aleppo, SANA- The process of transporting the locals of terrorist-besieged towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa on broad buses to Jabrin temporary housing center in Aleppo ended. SANA reporter in Tallet …

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Buses enter Um Batina village in Quneitra countryside to evacuate terrorists

Quneitra, SANA – Ten buses entered Um Batina village in Quneitra southern countryside in order to evacuate terrorists unwilling to settle their legal status towards north Syria. This procedure Thursday …

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Buses carrying Kefraya and al-Fouaa locals arrive in Jabrin temporary housing center in Aleppo

Aleppo, SANA – Buses transporting locals of the terrorist-besieged towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa arrived in Jabrin temporary housing center in Aleppo amid an atmosphere of delight and relief for …

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News on agreement in Quneitra on evacuation of terrorists unwilling for settlement

Damascus, SANA- There is news on reaching an agreement in Quneitra stipulating for the evacuation of terrorists unwilling for settlement to Idleb, SANA reporter said. The reporter indicated that according to …

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