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People of al-Mayadeen city hold a sit-in against the US occupation

Deir Ezzor, SANA- People of Deir Ezzor staged a protest stand in condemnation of the presentence of the US occupation forces on Syrian-al-Jazeera and in support of the Syrian Arab …

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Dozens of wanted persons in Quneitra province join the settlement process

Quneitra, SANA- Dozens of wanted persons from Quneitra province joined settlement process. SANA reporter in Quneitra province said that the settlement center of the Directorate of Culture in Al-Baath City …

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National Earthquake Center: Six low-intensity earthquake recorded

Damascus, SANA-The National Earthquake Center announced that 6 earthquakes of low intensity were recorded during the last 24 hours. The center said in a statement to SANA that the stations …

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Battle of Maysalun ….an immortal epic of resistance and adherence to national symbols

Damascus, SANA- On July 24, 1920, Youssef Al-Azma, then Syrian Minister of Defense, fell a martyr along with other heroes while defending Syrian territory from the French army. On the …

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Turkish occupation continues its crime of depriving Hasaka city and countryside from drinking water

Hasaka, SANA- For the fourth month in a row, the Turkish occupation cuts off the drinking water from Hasaka city leaving the locals amid large suffering to secure drinking water …

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Agriculture Minister: Wheat production for this season is good

Damascus, SANA– Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Eng. Mohammed Hassan Qatana said that wheat production for the current season is “good”, adding that the marketed amounts reached about 750,000 tons. Eng. Qatana was …

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Temperatures above average, weather misty in eastern and al-Jazeera regions

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will continue to rise to become from 4 to 6 degrees above average as the country is affected by a superficial Indian seasonal low air pressure accompanied …

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One citizen dead, 24 injured in fire that broke out in Ibn Rushd Hospital in Damascus

Damascus, SANA- A citizen died and twenty-four others were injured in a fire that broke out at Ibn Rushd Hospital in Abasid neighborhood of Damascus. “At about 2:30 a.m. a …

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National Earthquake Center: No tremor recorded over the past 24 hours

Damascus, SANA-The National Earthquake Center announced that no tremor was recorded over the past 24 hours. The stations of the National Seismic Monitoring Network said in a statement to SANA …

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Health Ministry affirms commitment to providing medical services to families in northern Syria

Damascus, SANA-The Ministry of Health affirmed its commitment to providing medical services to all citizens in Syria, including families in northern Syria. The ministry said in a statement “The Ministry …

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