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Temperatures to drop , weather relatively hot

Damascus, SANA-Temperatures will gradually drop, yet they still above their annual average as the country is still affected by the Indian monsoon, accompanied by low pressure in the upper layers …

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Putting out a fire in a café, Jableh

Lattakia, SANA- Members of Jableh Firefighting Unit in Lattakia province extinguished a fire that broke out today in a large café opposite al-Rais Square in Jableh. The Fire Brigade Commander, …

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A blaze west of Mayamas village in Sweida extinguished

Sweida /SANA – Salkhad Firefighting Brigade and the Civil Defense Directorate, in cooperation with the residents, dozed the flames in fruit tree orchards in the village of Mayamas. “The fire …

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Army helicopters participate in extinguishing fires in Hama countryside

Hama, SANA- Director of the General Commission for Management and Development of al-Ghab, Eng. Wafa Wassouf, announced that 90 % of the fires that broke out on Tuesday in the …

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A huge blaze irrupts in Hama countryside, operations to contain it underway

Hama, SANA-A massive wildfire has broken out in the mountainous forests in Hama western countryside, and fire crews are still battling the blaze there. “Firefighting services are doing their best …

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Israeli occupation forces set fire in Baqatha, Jubatha al-Khashab, and al-Hurriya lands, Golan

Quneitra, SANA- The Israeli occupation forces set a large fire in the agricultural and pastoral lands east of Baqatha occupied village, west of Jubatha al-Khashab town and al-Hurriya village in …

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Chief of General Staff of the Army visits military posts in Hama, Idleb and Deir Ezzor countryside

Damascus, SANA- Upon the directives of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed forces, President Bashar al-Assad, the Chief of the General Staff of the Army and Armed Forces, General …

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President al-Assad congratulates Army soldiers on Eid al-Adha occasion

Damascus, SANA- Commander-in-Chief of Army and Armed Forces, President Bashar al-Assad congratulated on Sunday Syrian Arab Army personnel on the blessed Eid al-Adha occasion. “President al-Assad extended his congratulations on …

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Competent Authorities thwart smuggling operation of large quantities of Captagon pills via Syrian desert

Palmyra, SANA- Security authorities concerned seized on Saturday large quantities of Captagon pills in Palmyra, that were prepared by terrorist groups in order to smuggling outside the country. Through security …

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Temperatures to drop, yet still above average

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will slightly drop, but they still above average as the country is still affected by the Indian seasonal low pressure accompanied by weak high sub-tropical pressure in …

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