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Syria and the World

November, 2014

  • 30 November

    Armenian ambassador honors prominent Syrian researcher

    Damascus, SANA-Armenian ambassador in Damascus Arshak Poladian granted Syrian writer and researcher Dr. Nabil Touma the Armenian embassy’s golden medal for his efforts in boosting bilateral Syrian-Armenian relations. The ceremony …

  • 30 November

    Languages and Civilizations event launched at Higher Institute for Languages

    Damascus, SANA – The “Languages and Civilizations” event was launched on Sunday at the Higher Institute for Languages at Damascus University, organized by the University in cooperation with the Iranian …

  • 29 November

    Romanian President affirms standing by Syria against terrorism

    Bucharest, SANA – Romanian President Traian Basescu stressed his country’s support for Syria in the face of extremism and terrorism. Meeting Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and …

  • 29 November

    Al-Moallem : Continued regional and int’l interference in Syria hinders political solution, increases terrorism

    Sochi, SANA – Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, said that the continued regional and international interference in Syrian affairs hinders the political solution and increases the …

  • 28 November

    Speaker al-Laham meets Advisor to Iranian Shura Council Speaker

    Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham on Friday met Hossein Sheikh Al-Islam, the Advisor for International Affairs to the Iranian Shura Council’s Speaker. During the …

  • 28 November

    Syria ranks 4th internationally, 1st among Arab states in World Robot Olympiad

    Damascus, SANA-The Syrian team won the 4th place in the finals of the World Robot Olympiad held in the Russian city of Sochi. The competition saw 400 international teams from …

  • 27 November

    Al-Moallem: President Putin affirmed determination to cooperate with Syria, defeat terrorism – Video

    Sochi, SANA- Russian President Vladimir Putin met on Wednesday Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Sochi, Russia. A statement by Kremlin said talks during the meeting …

  • 26 November

    Russia will support extending resolution on delivering humanitarian aid to Syria, Churkin

    Moscow, SANA-Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that his country will support extending the validity of a resolution on delivering humanitarian aid to Syria, which ends next …

  • 26 November

    Imported production requirements from South Africa to be increased, Minister.

    Damascus, SANA- Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Dr. Humam al-Jazaeri said Wednesday that increasing the amount of production requirements imported from South Africa is a priority to ensure energy …

  • 26 November

    Education Minister discusses state of education sector with UNICEF representative

    Damascus, SANA – Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz affirmed the government’s commitment to ensure the success and stability of the educational process and to alleviating the effects of the crisis on …