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April, 2015

  • 5 April

    Bogdanov and Haddad discuss preparations for new round of inter-Syrian talks

    Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, discussed on Saturday with Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad the preparations …

  • 4 April

    Archbishop Hanna: Terrorist attacks on Yarmouk Camp are shame on humanity

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA – Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia Atallah Hanna addressed Saturday a solidarity letter to the residents of Yarmouk Camp neighborhood who have been under attack by terrorist …

  • 4 April

    Patriarch al-Rahi calls for halting support of terrorists

    Beirut, SANA-Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East called on those who are responsible for wars in the region to stop supplying terrorists with …

  • 4 April

    Mikdad: Time has come for international efforts to eliminate the Israeli arsenal of WMD

    Damascus, SANA-Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad said the only danger which poses a threat to the region is the Zionist entity, affirming that there is no justification to …

  • 3 April

    Tunisia says it plans to reestablish ties with Syria, asks Turkey to stop cross-border flow of terrorists

    Tunis, SANA – Tunisia invited the Syrian Ambassador back to Tunis and said it plans to reopen a consulate in Damascus. “We will not have an ambassador there, but Tunisia …

  • 2 April

    Lebanese Parliament fails again to elect new president

    Beirut, SANA – Lebanese Parliament failed again in electing a new president due to the lack of the constitutional required quorum in the 21st session held for this purpose. Parliament …

  • 2 April

    Seven Egyptians including five soldiers killed in terrorist attacks in Sinai, Egypt

    Seven Egyptians including five soldiers killed in terrorist attacks in Sinai Cairo, SANA-Terrorists launched simultaneous armed terrorist attacks targeting security forces in Rafah and Shaikh zwayed in Sinai northeast Egypt …

  • 2 April

    Syria closes Nassib crossing border

    Damascus, SANA The Syrian Government decided to close Nassib border crossing as of today morning, April 2nd, 2015 until further notice, in response to the Jordanian regime’s unilateral measures taken Wednesday, A source at …

  • 2 April

    Foreign Ministry: UNCHR statement on events in Idleb included fallacies, forging realities

    Damascus, SANA-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Wednesday sent a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ( UNCHR) on the dangerous events in Idleb, showing the volume of …

  • 1 April

    Speaker al-Lahham meets parliamentarians from Uruguay, Vietnam, Venezuela, and Seychelles

    Hanoi, SANA – Hanoi, SANA – Speaker of the Syrian People’s Assembly on Wednesday held a number of meetings with heads of delegations participating in the 132nd session of the …