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At least ten explosions rock downtown Donetsk

DONETSK, SANA- At least ten explosions rocked downtown Donetsk on Saturday morning, a TASS correspondent reported. The Donetsk People’s Republic’s (DPR) mission to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination …

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Christmas tree lit in Daraa countryside

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Occupation forces arrest 3 Palestinians in west bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Israeli occupation forces detained 3 Palestinians on Friday morning north of Hebron in the west bank. the occupation forces stormed the town of Beit Ummar, raided …

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Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine- Latest Updates

8 people killed, 23 injured in Ukrainian shelling of LPR community. Ukrainian forces shell Stekhanov in Lughansk with HIMARS rockets

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Iran: The US violated the legal tracks of the UN

Tehran,SANA-Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Amir Saeed Iravani affirmed that America has violated the legal tracks, through unilateral dictatorship, bullying and hypocrisy by illegally terminating Iran’s membership …

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8 people killed, 23 injured in Ukrainian shelling of LPR community

MOSCOW, SANA- Eight people have been killed and more than 20 have been wounded on Friday in a shelling of the Lantratovka populated locality in the Luhansk People’s Republic / …

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Honey and Silk Festival… economic event with high marketing value

Damascus, SANA- The Second Honey and Silk Festival, being held in Damascus city , is considered an economic, agricultural and scientific event to introduce Syrian honey, its quality and types …

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With participation of Syria, OAPEC holds meeting in Kuwait

Kuwait, SANA-The General Secretariat of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) held its 109th meeting in Kuwait, chaired by the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Bassam Toma. …

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Hassia Industrial City, A pillar of the national economy in Syria

Homs, SANA-Despite all the conditions that Syria has gone through, from a criminal terrorist war to an unfair economic blockade, the roar of the machines of the industrial zone in …

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Japanese sakura trees planted in Homs

Homs, SANA-A delegation from the Syrian-Japanese Friendship Association planted on Sunday saplings of the Japanese sakura tree in the garden of the Cultural Complex Homs. The director of the culture …

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