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Syria participates in 9th Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, Qufu

Beijing,SANA- Syria participated in the sub-forum of 9th Nishan Forum on World Civilizations held in the Chinese city of Qufu and entitled “Museums: Bridges Connecting Human Past, Present and Future”. …

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Ancient city of Bosra one of Syrian attractions for Chinese tourist groups

Daraa, SANA- A group of Chinese tourists visited the Ancient city of Bosra in Daraa countryside to get acquainted of its breathtaking ruins. “The Roman Theater of Bosra in a …

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Syria-China strategic relations a key factor in multipolar world order_Shalabata

Prague, SANA- Syria-China strategic relations is a significant factor to build multipolar world order, said Chairman of the Czech Institute of International Relations (IIR), Jaromir Shalabata. “The visit by President …

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Sabbagh: Syria demands lifting coercive measures imposed, considers them economic terrorism

New York, SANA-Syria demanded the lifting of the coercive measures imposed on it and on a number of countries, as it is considered economic terrorism. Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, head of …

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Damascus University acquires international accreditation from WFME

Damascus, SANA- Damascus University obtained recognized accreditation from the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), Ministry of Higher Education and Research announced.  Damascus University is the first Syrian one to recieve such …

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Fires by terrorists’ shells extinguished, Lattakia countryside

Lattakia, SANA- Lattakia firefighters brigade has extinguished the fires that were erupted in the fields after the terrorists shelled the countryside there. The brigade dealt with the fires been erupted …

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President al-Assad’s visit to China affirms Syria’s commitment to owing its national decision_ Russian diplomats

Moscow, SANA- Two Russian diplomats affirmed that President Bashar al-Assad’s visit to the People’s Republic of China is a sign of Syria’s adherence to its independent national decision, stressing that …

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Damascus University, Kuban State University sign MoU to enhance scientific cooperation

Damascus, SANA- Damascus University and the Russian Kuban State University signed on Monday MoU to enhance and develop scientific, academic and research cooperation and encourage joint student and academic exchange …

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It is a new page in the friendly bilateral relations_Chinese Ambassador in Damascus

Damascus, SANA-September 22, 2023 is a historic day for Chinese-Syrian relations, as President Xi Jinping and President Bashar al-Assad held a friendly meeting in the city of Khanzhou, and jointly …

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67 years passed and the Syrian Chinese ties towards greater hardness and strength

Damascus-SANA- Long-standing friendship relations have linked Syria and China over decades, based on a long legacy of common principles related to consecrating truth, justice, and balance in international relations, supporting …

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