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Rasha milhem

China’s Special Envoy for Syria: China talks with all countries including Syria about counterterrorism

Beijing, SANA – China’s Special Envoy for Syria Xie Xiaoyan said that China talks with all countries including Syria about the fight against terrorism. Reuters quoted Xie as saying in …

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Bogdanov: Consultations on holding a summit for presidents of Russia, France, Turkey and German Chancellor on Syria

Moscow, SANA- The Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov talked about consultations for holding a summit that includes presidents of Russia, …

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Syrian-Ukrainian Friendship Association: Resilience of Syria foiled conspiracy on it

Kiev, SANA –Syrian-Ukrainian Friendship Association called for boosting relations between the peoples of the two countries in the political and economic domains. During the inauguration of the second General Conference …

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Peskov: Putin, Merkel discuss situation in Syria in detail

Berlin, SANA – Russian President’s Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed during a meeting held in Berlin the situation in Syria and …

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Syrian football team wins against Azerbaijani team in friendly match

Vienna, SANA – Syrian team for football won against the Azerbaijani Karabakh Aghdam team in the match held Saturday in the Austrian Capital of Vienna. The sole goal of the …

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Citizens injured as suicide bomber blows himself up in Hasaka city

Hasaka, SANA – A terrorist bombing rocked al-Hasaka city, injuring several citizens on Saturday. A source at the Police Command told SANA that a suicide bomber blew himself up near al-Ghassaniya …

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Army declares al-Ghariyah al-Gharbiya town in Daraa countryside liberated

Daraa, SANA-A military source announced al-Ghariyah al-Gharbiya town in Daraa countryside fully liberated after terminating the terrorist presence in it. In a statement to SANA, the source said that the …

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A child martyred, five injured in terrorist attacks with shells in Daraa

Daraa, SANA- A child was martyred, five others were injured due to a rocket shell fired by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists on the neighborhoods of Shamal al-Khatt and al-Kashef. SANA reporter …

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UNSC extends mission of UNDOF for six months

New York, SANA – The United Nations Security Council members on Friday unanimously extended the mission of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force in the occupied Syrian Golan (UNDOF) for …

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More towns in Daraa join reconciliations

Daraa, SANA – Al-Ghariya al-Sharqiya town in Daraa countryside joins the reconciliations, with its residents gathering at the entrance in welcome of the Syrian Arab Army to thank it for …

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