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Rasha milhem

OSPAAAL: Syria’s victory over terrorism is a victory of justice and for world nationalistic liberation issues

Havana, SANA – The secretary-general of the Organization of Solidarity of the People of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL), Lourdes Cervantes stressed that Syria has become just around the …

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Russian Foreign Ministry: Terrorist organizations continue to prepare for committing provocations in Idleb

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said that the terrorist organizations, basically Jabhat al-Nusra, continue to prepare for committing provocations in Idleb Province. In a press conference, …

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Syria and Iran sign timetable for project of power generating station in Lattakia

Tehran, SANA – Syria and Iran signed a timetable for implementing the project of an eco-friendly gas energy generating station in Lattakia with a capacity of 540 Watt within the …

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Authorities discover ammunition and shells left behind terrorists in Homs

Homs, SANA – Authorities found ammunition and shells that were left behind terrorists during a combing operation at the surrounding of al-Waar neighborhood in Homs Province. SANA reporter in Homs …

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Army continues operations in Toloul al-Safa area in Sweida, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists

Sweida, SANA- Army units in cooperation with the supporting forces on Tuesday carried out artillery blows on infiltration points of Daesh terrorists at depth of the rocky cliffs in Toloul …

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SANA participates in activities of AMAN annual conference

Athens, SANA – Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) participates in activities of the 27th Conference for General Assembly of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN), which kicked off on …

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Three batches of displaced Syrians return home from Lebanon

Damascus Countryside, Homs, SANA – Three batches of displaced persons returned on Monday from Lebanon through the border crossings of al-Dabbousia, Jdidiet Yabous and al-Zamrani. This comes in the framework …

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Army liberates more areas in Toloul al-Safa cliffs in Sweida, kills dozens of Daesh terrorists

Sweida, SANA – Army units, in cooperation with the supporting forces, on Monday stormed more rocky cliffs in the rugged land of Toloul al-Safa area overlooking Daesh (ISIS) terrorists’ last …

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Sila shoes expo augurs return of Syrian leather industry to local and external markets

Damascus, SANA- More than 120 specialized companies in the leather and footwear industry from Syria and four Arab countries participated in Sila shoes expo which was held from 23 till …

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Terrorist organizations fire shells on citizens’ houses in Aleppo

Aleppo, SANA- Terrorist organizations attacked with rocket and mortar shells al-Khalidiya neighborhood and al-Nile Street in Aleppo city, causing material damage to citizens’ houses and their properties. SANA’s reporter in …

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