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Homs Governor meets families of al-Wa’er

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July 23rd, OSCE Established

1829- William Burt receives patented a forerunner of the typewriter. 1911- A Massive fire destroys 7,000 houses in ten neighborhoods in Istanbul. 1960- Establishment of the Organization for Security and …

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Cabinet weekly session

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Rare, Heavy rains in Damascus

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Damascus, July 22, 2014

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Death toll from Israeli aggression rises to 554 Palestinians as 25 Israeli soldiers killed

Gaza, SANA, Death toll from the Israeli continued aggression on Gaza rose Monday to 554 and 3282 wounded Palestinians. Israeli occupation forces perpetrated today a new massacre, bombing the hospital …

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Charity Bazaar in Damascus

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Damascus, July 21, 2014

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A mass for peace in Homs

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Three new postal stamps released on occasion of electing President al-Assad

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