Syria rejects draft resolution submitted to UN General Assembly about Ukraine  

New York, SANA-Syria rejected a draft resolution submitted to the General Assembly about the military operation in Ukraine, saying it expresses a biased method that is based on a political propaganda and represents one tool of the pressure and political blackmail tools.

“Makers of the draft resolution have adhered to a hostile language against the Russian Federation that targets its legitimate stance and right in protecting its land and people from the actual threat to its national security,” Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Bassam Sabbagh, said at an urgent session for UN General Assembly on Ukraine.

He added that the draft resolution “was not designed” to search about a genuine solution, but to demonize the Russian Federation and defame its image through media campaigns.

“Syria votes against this draft resolution and rejects the West policy of hegemony that aims to prolong and stir crises, spread chaos, consolidate selectivity and impose unilateral coercive measures,” Sabbagh added.

” Those who show enthusiasm today regarding defense of the Charter of the United Nations should show their same enthusiasm against Israel’s continued occupation of Arab lands and against the Turkish and US forces’ violation of the sovereignty of Syria,” Ambassador Sabbagh said.

Bushra Dabin/ Mazen Eyon

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