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Search Results for: israel

Patriarch al-Rai renews call for halting terror war on Syria

Beirut, SANA – Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi renewed his call for stopping the terror war on Syria and finding peaceful solutions in Syria and other terrorism-afflicted countries, …

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Archbishop Hanna: Terrorist attacks on Yarmouk Camp are shame on humanity

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA – Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia Atallah Hanna addressed Saturday a solidarity letter to the residents of Yarmouk Camp neighborhood who have been under attack by terrorist …

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Interior Minister: We are going ahead in defending institutions in cooperation with Army

Damascus, SANA – Interior Minister Mohammad al- Shaar inspected on Friday the police units in Ariha and Jisr al-Shughour areas in Idleb Northern Province. Al-Shaar, meeting Idleb Governor, army and …

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Forum held in Damascus University in solidarity with Venezuela against US plots

Damascus, SANA – In the framework of a global campaign against US Barack Obama’s latest decision against Venezuela, a solidarity forum was held Thursday at the auditorium of Damascus University …

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Syria urges int’l community to save residents of Yarmouk following ISIS offensive

Damascus, SANA-Hundreds of ISIS terrorists, aided by Jabhat al-Nusra, have entered Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus, the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said, anticipating “more crimes against the camp’s locals.” In …

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A solidarity symposium with Venezuelan people at Arab Writers Union HQ

Damascus, SANA – In solidarity with the Venezuelan people in confronting the U.S. threats and conspiracies, Arab Writers Union and Palestinian National Front for Return held a symposium under the …

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Syrian students in Slovakia vehemently condemn al-Mabouja massacre

Bratislava, SANA- Syrian students in Slovakia vehemently condemned the massacre perpetrated by the Takfiri terrorist organizations against the residents of al-Mabouja village in the countryside of al-Salamiyeh in Hama province. On Tuesday, Takfiri terrorist …

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Terrorists destroy statue of Ibrahim Hanano, hero of Syria’s independence

Damascus, SANA- Terrorists destroyed the statue of Ibrahim Hanan, a hero of Syria’s independence and the struggle against French occupation, in Idleb province. This terrorist act against the statue of …

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DPRK and Syria affirm the importance of enhancing bilateral relations

Damascus, SANA- Ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Damascus Zhang Meung Hu visited on Wednesday the headquarter of General Women Union in the framework of enhancing bilateral …

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President al-Assad’s interview with CBS News: Legitimacy comes from the inside, Syrians are more united and resolved to protect their country. (full text)

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad made an interview with the U.S. CBS News. Following is the full text: Question 1: Mr. President, thank you for allowing us to come …

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