Seven new breaches of cessation of hostilities by terrorist groups in Syria


Lattakia, SANA The total number of the terrorist organizations’ breaches of the cessation of hostilities agreement raised to 996 since the agreement came into effect on 27 February, the Russian center monitoring the agreement said on Monday.

The center, based in Hmeimim air base, added in a statement that it observed 7 breaches of the agreement during the past 24 hours as the terrorists of the so-called Jaish al-Islam terrorist group targeted with mortar shells the villages of Erbin, Harasta, Housh al-Shalq, Jisrin and Douma in Damascus Countrywside, while the so-
called Ahrar al-Cham terrorist organization targeted Helet Adra in Lattakia.

The center pointed out that the number of the towns which have joined the agreement reached 408.

The center said that terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS continued their attempts to
sabotage the agreement through attacking and targeting with mortar rounds and rocket shells Binyamin village, al-Ansari neighborhood and Castello commercial center in Aleppoand they, targeted with mortar shells the towns of Douma, al-
Bahariyeh, Housh Nasri, Hateitet al-Jarash, al- Qaboun, Erbin and Barzeh in Damascus Countryside as well as makser al-Hosan, al-Ashrafiyeh and Jeb
al-Jarrah in Homs.

The cessation of hostilities agreement does not include ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other groups designated as terrorist organizations by the UN Security Council.

H. Zain /Ghossoun

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