The army and Air force repel infiltration attempts, kill terrorists in different areas

Provinces, SANA- Units of the army and armed forces carried out Saturday special operations against terrorist organizations’ positions and dens in many areas across the country, inflicting heavy losses upon them in personnel and equipment.


The army destroyed an armored vehicle and a rocket launching-pad for Takfiri terrorist organizations in al-Naema in Daraa countryside, a military source told SANA.

The source added that an army unit also destroyed a vehicle, leaving all the terrorists inside dead while targeting a hideout in the western side of al-Bajabja neighborhood in Daraa al-Balad.

The army also destroyed dens for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and killed large numbers of them, among them leaders, in Naseeb in Daraa countryside.

It killed 7 terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and destroyed 3 vehicles equipped with machine guns in al-Yadouda town in Daraa countryside.

Meanwhile, units of the army foiled attempts by terrorists to attack many military posts in Daraa and its countryside, killing large numbers of them and destroying their weapons.

Army units also destroyed a vehicle, leaving all the terrorists onboard dead on Alma road and inflict heavy losses upon them in al-Neima town, al-Naziheen Camp and Sawame’ al-Hoboub in the countryside of Daraa.

Later, a military source told SANA that army units supported by the Air Force destroyed two hideouts used by leaders of terrorist organizations, killing and injuring dozens of terrorists and destroying a large number of their vehicles in Daraa city, Ghuraz prison, the town of al-Nai’meh, and Tal Shihab.

Damascus countryside

An army unit carried out a precision strike which resulted in eliminating a number of terrorists and destroying two of their vehicles near al-Jarra roundabout in Douma city, Damascus Countryside.

SANA’s field correspondent said that Mohammad al-Najjar, Nazir Awad, Yaman al-Skeif, and Hassan Hamadeh were identified among the terrorists killed in this operation, adding that four other terrorists were killed while they were digging a tunnel in Aaliya farms at the northern outskirts of Douma.

The army also carried out a strike targeting a terrorist hideout in the town of Ein Tarma, killing many terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra, including Mahmoud Qattan, Saher Khattab, Nidal Dabbour, Yaqzan al-Ghabra, and Salim al-Kurdi.

In Zamalka, the army carried out a precision operation targeting terrorist hideouts, resulting in destroying several vehicles, one of which was equipped with a heavy machinegun, in addition to killing a number of terrorists from the Islam Army group including Saadoun al-Dori from Iraq, Firas Shbaili, Ziyad Nahlawi, Abdelnasser Hallaq, Hani Qeshta, Bilal al-Mfashi, and Ziyad Abdelkarim.

After monitoring the movements of Islam Army terrorists between Erbin and Misraba south of Douma, the army carried out operations which resulted in killing many terrorists including Mahmoud al-Hendi, Walid al-Naqeshbandi, Bassam al-Kahhal, and Taisir Arab, destroying the terrorists’ weapons and ammo in the process.

Another army unit targeted terrorists’ hideouts in al-Zabadani in the western countryside, killing many terrorists including Hamza al-Kuwaifi and Mahmoud al-Tinawi.

In the northern barrens of al-Qalamoun near the Lebanese borders, three vehicles along with the terrorists inside them were destroyed near al-Zamrani crossing point in al-Jarajid barrens. Wael al-Abd and Mohammad Hassan al-Darra were identified among the dead terrorists.

More terrorists were killed and their vehicles were destroyed in air strikes targeting their hideouts in the Ersal barrens in al-Qalamoun area.

Another army unit carried out concentrated operations against dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Khan al-Sheih farms, killing many terrorists, injuring others, and destroying their weapons and ammo.


Meanwhile, an army unit killed ISIS terrorists in Jarm al-Dawla village in Southeastern countryside of Sweida province.


In central Syria, the army air force destroyed several terrorists’ hideouts, killing and injuring large numbers of them and destroying a number of their vehicles, in al-Qastal, Hammadi Omar, al-Hadaj, Um Edoul and Eidoun in the countryside of Hama province.


The army foiled an attempt by terrorists to infiltrate from Wadi al-Ameriya into Homs-Salamiya highway in Homs countryside, killing a number of terrorists.

Meanwhile, army units killed and injured members of an armed terrorist group and destroyed their weapons in Sariko street in al-Rastan city to the north of Homs city.


The army destroyed dens and vehicles for terrorists in Dir Hafer, Banan al-Hiss, Khan Touman and killed terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the surrounding of the air force academy in Aleppo countryside.

Meanwhile, army units confronted Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Lairamoun, al-Ansari and Jub al- Qebba neighborhoods in Aleppo , where many terrorists were killed, others were injured and their vehicles were destroyed.

The army air force killed a number of terrorists in blows carried out against their hideouts in Izaz and Fafin in the countryside of Aleppo province.

Army units also targeted terrorists’ hideouts and concentrations in Binan al-Huss, Maghirat al-Shibli and Khan Touman, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying their weaponry and vehicles.

An army unit targeted and destroyed terrorists’ hideouts and vehicles in the areas of Deir hafer, Tallat al-Sanobar and Kherbat al-Maasir in Aleppo countryside.


In the northern Idleb province, the Army’s Air Force killed large numbers of terrorists and destroys their vehicles in Abu al-Dohour, al-Majas, Tal Salmo and al-Rueifiyeh in the province’s countryside.

Later, a military source said that the Army’s Air Force destroyed two hideouts used by leaders of terrorist organizations, killing and injuring scores of terrorists and destroying a large number of their vehicles in Abu al-Duhour, Tal Salmo, al-Ezzo farm, and Oum Jireen in Idleb countryside.


The army air force destroyed hideouts for terrorists and killed a number of them in al-Saraya, al-Houlwa, Beit Ablaq and al-Rawda in the countryside of Lattakia coastal province.


In the northeastern city of Hasaka, the army air force destroyed a number of terrorist organizations’ dens, dozens of vehicles and killed a big number of terrorists at the surrounding area of spinning factory and Karama School.

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