Occupied Syrian Golan citizens escort martyrs of massacre committed by Israeli occupation in Majdal Shams town to their final resting place

Occupied Golan, SANA- Thousands of people from occupied Syrian Golan and delegations from occupied Palestine escorted on Sunday the martyrs of the Israeli aggression that targeted Majdal Shams town with a missile, to their final resting place.

People in Golan, who gathered in Sultan Pasha al-Atrash Square, condemned the brutal act of aggression that targeted defenseless civilians and children.

The initial information acknowledged that the Iron Dome had mistakenly hit the occupied Syrian Majdal Shams town, according to occupation army spokesman statements but later they accused Lebanese resistance of what happened to remove blame from the occupation entity, which continues its crimes in Gaza, Lebanon, and all occupied territories.

For its part, National Resistance in Lebanon categorically denied all the allegations stated by enemy media outlets and various media platforms about targeting Majdal Shams, stressing that the resistance has absolutely nothing to do with that.

In turn, people of Golan stressed the Israeli enemy has been working for a long time to ignite sedition and target the region as a whole.

Rafah al-Allouni/ manar Salameh

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