Ambassador Ala: Necessity for enhancing Arab solidarity and cooperation to face challenges of wars and crises

Cairo, SANA- Syria’s permanent representative to the Arab League, Ambassador Hussam al-Din Ala, stressed the necessity of enhancing joint Arab solidarity and cooperation to confront the challenges of wars and crises and dealing with them in a coordinated manner, referring to Syria’s efforts in dealing with repercussions of the hostile war against it despite the difficult economic conditions and unilateral measures imposed on the country.

The Ambassador, in a statement delivered at the forty-third session of the Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers, said Syria calls for an immediate cessation of the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip and address its dangerous repercussions through delivering humanitarian aid to the Strip.

Ambassador Ala  said “We meet today in light of an unprecedented human tragedy that the Palestinian people are suffering as a result of the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and the genocidal war that the Israeli occupying entity has been waging for 74 days with the support of the West against the Palestinian people.”.

“Syria reaffirms the priority of immediately stopping Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and addressing its serious humanitarian repercussions by immediately and sustainably delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza,” he added.

Ala explained that “despite the difficult economic conditions and the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the country, the Syrian Arab Republic is making great efforts, in accordance with available capabilities, to confront the aftermath of the war of aggression launched against it, including terrorism, the American and Turkish occupation of parts of their lands, and the economic blockade.”.

Regarding the basic topics on the conference agenda, the Ambassador stressed that “the Syrian government seeks to address poverty, targeting the most needy families, compensating for educational losses resulting from the war and restoring support to the health sector.”.

Ambassador Ala indicated that Syria welcomed raising the issue of immigration and its inclusion on the agenda of the 43rd session, as well as the inclusion of the issue of providing support to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.



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