Dec. 15, Reopening of the Leaning Tower of Pisa after 11 years of closure


1794 – French Revolution cancels the Revolutionary Tribunal which was established for the trial of political offenders.

1945 – General Douglas MacArthur issues direct orders on abolishing Shinto as a state religion in Japan.

1952 – 60th anniversary of world’s first sex change that turned Danish George Jorgensen into a glamorous woman named Christine.

1991- 417 people died in the most tragic shipwreck of the Red Sea when ‘Salem Express’ boat sunk .

2001 -Reopening of the Leaning Tower of Pisa after 11 years of closure
for maintenance at a cost of USD 27 million.

2010 – UN Security Council adopts a resolution on lifting most international sanctions imposed on Iraq during the era President Saddam Hussein.

Born Today

1907 – Algeria’s first president Ahmad Bin Bella was born.


Zamenhof Day is celebrated by Esperanto in honor of Ludwik Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto.
H. Zain/ Barry

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