National stand for the locals of Qubbet Zaki in the southern countryside of Qamishli in condemnation of the US and Turkish occupations

Hasaka,SANA- Locals of Qubbet Zaki in the southern countryside of Qamishli, have organized a national stand in condemnation of the US and Turkish occupations.

SANA reporter said that the participants demanded the expulsion of the US and Turkish occupation forces from the Syrian territories.

The participants denounced the unfair economic measures against the Syrian people, the latest of which the so called “Caesar Act”, stressing that they would not affect the Syrian people stance in rejection of the existence of the occupation and calling for supporting the Syrian Arab Army in its war against occupation.

The people raised the homeland’s flag and banners with words denouncing the practices of the US and Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries against the Syrian citizens and their projects aimed at striking the national unity of the Syrians and stealing their resources, demanding the expulsion of all these occupying and illegal forces from the Syrian lands

Nisreen Othman/Mazen Eyon

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