The Army establishes full control on al-Shaer gas field in Homs countryside

Provinces, SANA – The army units on Thursday launched a wide-scale military operations against the terrorists’ gatherings and hideouts in many areas across the country, killing and injuring scores of them .

A military source told SANA that the Army, in cooperation with popular defense groups, established full control on al-Shaer Gas field and the surrounding hills in Homs Eastern countryside, killing scores of Isis terrorists and hunt their remnants in the region.

The source added that the authorities extinguished a fire erupted in an explosion of an explosive device  planted by the armed terrorist groups before fleeing the region under the strikes of the army units, at the main station of gas in al-Sha’ar area.

Army units killed a number of terrorists and injured others to the southeast of Bait Jin in Damascus Countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army units clashed with terrorists in Housh al-Farah, Housh Nasri and the area surrounding Mayda’a town to the east of Doma city, killing and injuring scores of terrorists, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Another army unit destroyed a den for terrorists in Aliyeh farms in Doma city, killing and injuring more than 17 terrorists.

The source added that the army units also targeted dens for terrorists in Zamalka and Erbin towns, eliminating many of them.

Mukhtar Muhib allah from Sudan and Zuheir al-Maolaui from Lebanon were identified among the dead terrorists.

In Joubar, the army units destroyed a den for terrorists along with the weapons and ammunition inside it to the east of al-Manashir roundabou , killing many terrorists.

Among the dead terrorists were Moua’z al-Sabbgh from Lebanon and Obaid al-Faraj.

Meanwhile, other army units killed and injured 20 terrorists in Zaina town and Htitet al-Jarash farms.

In the same context, another army unit killed 4 terrorists and injured 25 others in Zibdeen town, destroying their weapons and ammunition.

The army units also clashed with terrorists to the southeast of al-Sayyeda Sukaina Shrine in Daraya city, killing 10 of them and injuring 7 others.

The source pointed out that other army units pursued terrorists in Qara mountains, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Other units of the armed forces destroyed terrorists’ dens in Hasno village, al-Najjar farms and al-Khazrajiyeh village and the surrounding farms, leaving several of the terrorists dead and others wounded.

A military source said units of the army targeted terrorists’ gatherings in Daret Azzeh, al- Ameriyeh, Tal al-Zarazir, al-Rashidin and al-Shaar in Aleppo city and countryside, killing and wounding many terrorists and destroying their vehicles.

The source added that the army units killed a number of terrorists after thwarting their attempts to infiltrate into Atman town in Daraa countryside and killed others in Daraa al-Balad.

Other army units destroyed terrorists’ cars with all terrorists inside them on al-Tiha-Rajem Afour road in the countryside. Terrorists were also killed and wounded in the towns of Ibta’, al-Nua’meh and al-Taibeh in the countryside.

Meanwhile, the army killed several terrorists, injured others and destroyed hideouts of their groups’ leaders near al-Safadi building, al-Deiri complex, the area surrounding Tal Hamad, at the southern entrance of al-Sheikh Miskeen town and Dael town.

A military source said army unit killed terrorists who tried to sneak from al-Nada village into al- Sammaqiyat village in Daraa eastern countryside.

An army unit destroyed a den for terrorists with the weapons and ammos inside it, killing the terrorists who hunkered there in the
vicinity of al-Abbara checkpoint in Daraa countryside.

The army units killed a number of terrorists in Housh al-Taleb, al-Ghanto in Talbiseh, to the west of al-Zarah village in al-Rastan,Um Sahrij, between the villages of Salam Gharbi and Arshouneh in the eastern countryside of Homs central province.

In a relevant context, two suicide bombers wearing explosive belts blew themselves up in al-Furqlus in the countryside, causing material damage only.

In Idleb, units of the armed forces inflicted heavy losses upon Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and destroyed their weapons and ammo caches in the countryside of the province.

A military source told SANA reporter that the army killed numbers of terrorists in Maaret al-Numan, Nahlya, Filoun, Saraqeb, al-Rami, Koureen, Mardeekh, Bkafloun farms, al-Ter’a, Armala and Abu al-Dhuhour.

The source added that army units destroyed dens and weapons and ammo caches for terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra in Wadi Sakhrin and Jabal al-Zawiyeh, killing 15 terrorists and leaving tens of others wounded. Some of the targeted terrorists were of Arab nationalities.

Seven pickups equipped with heavy machine guns were also destroyed, in addition to a vehicle loaded with ammo boxes.

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