Spanish tourists visit archeological city of Palmyra

Palmyra, SANA- A number of Spanish tourists visited on Thursday the archeological city of Palmyra, a step that could return the European tourism to Syria after suspension for many years because of the terrorist acts in the country.

The tourists inspected the most prominent features of the cultural civilization of Palmyra and they documented, by photos, the destruction left by Daesh terrorists against the culture, history and human heritage of this archeological city.

The tourists were happy to see this “miracle city,” as they described it, at the same time they were regretful and sad over the sabotage that affected some historic edifices of the city.

Before the Syrian Arab army restored Palmyra on July 3rd, 2017, the ancient city had come under a series of attacks by Daesh terrorists who had destroyed Lion of al-Lat statue, Arc de Triumph and many other famous historic sites.

Mazen Eyon

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