Al-Rukban camp … Washington-made catastrophic tragedy

Homs, SANA_ Al- Rukban camp has become an irrefutable evidence on the US Administration’s exploitation of peoples’ issues as a form of blackmail and pressure to carry out its aggressive plots and interests in the region at expense of the simplest humanitarian principles and international laws .

Washington, which sent its troops to Syria illegally, spared no pretext to justify its presence, even at the expense of children and women.

Washington pays no heed to the humanitarian catastrophe it caused in the camp and is trying keep it as much time as possible in al-Tanf area to justify its illegal presence in southern Syria, The Russian and Syrian Joint Coordination Committees on Repatriation of displaced Syrians said.

The committees clarified that Washington is dealing with the displaced file based on  “colonial thinking”, ignoring all the humanitarian values it claims defending them; it insists on turning this file into a political paper to continue pressure on the Syrian government.

Thousands of Syrians displaced by terrorism in al-Rukban camp in al-Tanf area on the Syrian-Jordanian border are still living in catastrophic conditions that amount to a humanitarian disaster.

The statement reminded of the UN concerned bodies talks that there have been cases of “food slavery, early marriage, sexual abuse, theft, violence, hunger, disease in addition to acute shortage of potable water, making it clear that those who want to leave should pay  300 US dollars, which no one in the camp can do.

According to the World Food Program, the displaced people in the desert-located camp live in worn out tents, mostly plastic, and mud houses where conditions of the camp’s residents are getting more complicated by the illegal U.S. presence which block the access of aid convoys organized by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in cooperation and coordination with the Syrian government .

In conclusion, all the facts confirm that the responsibility for the humanitarian crisis of our people at al-Rukban camp falls solely on US occupation forces and their stooges, as they have been preventing civilians’ departure from the camp by means of force and threats despite opening  safe corridors for this purpose.


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