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Arab, International

February, 2016

  • 8 February

    Regional and international interference exacerbated the crisis in Syria- Tehran

    Tehran, SANA, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi-Ansari reiterated on Monday that ending the crisis in Syria is represented by defeating terrorism and following up political solution through intra-Syrian dialogue. …

  • 8 February

    Seven ISIS terrorists detained for plotting terrorist attacks in Russian cities

    Moscow, SANA- Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) detained seven members of ISIS terrorist organization who prepared to carry out terrorist attacks in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. The …

  • 7 February

    DPRK succeeds in putting a satellite into its orbit

    Pyongyang, SANA, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea “DPRK” succeeded in putting a new satellite into its orbit, the National Aerospace Development Administration said on Sunday. Korean Central News Agency …

  • 6 February

    Tehran… Saudis won’t dare dispatch troops to Syria

    Tehran, SANA- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said Saudi  Arabia doesn’t have the guts to send its armed forces to  Syria. On Thursday, …

  • 5 February

    De Mistura’s deputy: UN doesn’t intend to send new invitations for Geneva talks

    Geneva, SANA – Deputy of UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy, said the UN doesn’t intend to alter the invitations for the next round of …

  • 5 February

    Churkin: “Syrian Opposition” delegation came to Geneva to complain, not to hold dialogue

    New York, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that the “Syrian Opposition” delegation came to Geneva to complain, not to hold dialogue, stressing that there …

  • 5 February

    Russian Foreign Ministry: Russian Aerospace Forces would never use internationally-prohibited weapons

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry said it is impossible for the Russian Aerospace Forces operating in Syria to use any kind of internationally-prohibited weapons, and that Turkey’s claims …

  • 5 February

    Kremlin: Russia supports Syria in fighting terrorism

    Moscow, SANA- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov affirmed that Russia is consistently making efforts within the general international framework of seeking a peaceful and political settlement to the situation in Syria, …

  • 5 February

    Gatilov: Representatives of Syrian government and “opposition” may visit Moscow soon

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov announced on Friday that representatives of the Syrian government and “opposition” may visit Moscow soon to discuss ways of resuming the Syrian-Syrian …

  • 5 February

    Chinese FM: Political solution in Syria is ultimate way of solving humanitarian crisis

    London, SANA – Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the international community to step up efforts to seek a political solution to the crisis in Syria, saying this is …