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Arab, International

April, 2016

  • 16 April

    Cuban President voices confidence in Syria’s ability to find political solution for crisis

    Havana, SANA – President of Cuba Raul Castro voiced confidence in the ability of the Syrian people and government to find a political solution for the crisis in Syria, one …

  • 16 April

    Zarif: Tehran will continue supporting the countries facing terrorism

    Tehran, SANA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran will continue to support the countries that are fighting terrorism. He was speaking to reporters in a joint press …

  • 15 April

    Russia warns of increasing flow of weapons to terrorist organizations in Syria through Turkish borders

    Moscow/Tokyo, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry said that there’s an increase in the flow of weapons and munitions smuggled to terrorist organizations in Syria through the Turkish borders. In …

  • 15 April

    Russian Coordination Center: Some 150 terrorists infiltrated Syria from Turkey

    Lattakia, SANA – The Russian Coordination Center in Hmeimim reported on Thursday the infiltration of some 150 terrorists into northeastern Lattakia after they were seen crossing the border from Turkey. …

  • 14 April

    Churkin calls for closing Syrian, Turkish borders to stop support for terrorists

    New York, SANA-Russia’s permanent envoy to the UN Vitally Churkin called for closing the Turkish-Syrian borders through which oil and relics are being smuggled from territories seized by ISIS terrorist …

  • 14 April

    De Mistura stresses importance of continuing delivery of humanitarian aid in Syria

    Geneva, SANA- UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura affirmed the importance of continuing to deliver humanitarian aid to people in need in Syria. In a press conference following …

  • 14 April

    Russian Defense Ministry denies allegations about shooting down a Russian fighter jet in Raqqa

    Moscow, SANA- The Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday denied allegations about shooting down a Russian fighter jet in Raqqa by ISIS terrorists. RT Russian website quoted Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for …

  • 14 April

    Putin: The Syrian army is capable of continuing offensives against terrorists

    Moscow, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday the Syrian army is capable of carrying out offensive operations against terrorists and liberating territory in spite of the withdrawal …

  • 14 April

    Russian UN envoy: Close Russia-US interaction at various levels the backbone for solving crisis in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin asserted that the close Russia-US interaction at various levels – political, diplomatic and military is the backbone of the efforts exerted to settle …

  • 14 April

    Patrushev : Russian-US cooperation on the crisis in Syria constructive

    Moscow, SANA, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said Thursday that cooperation between his country and the United States on the crisis in Syria is constructive. “The constructive interactions by …