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Arab, International

November, 2017

  • 21 November

    Havana University Rector: Syria will win war against terrorism

    Havana, SANA-Rector of the University of Havana, prof. Dr. Gustavo Cobreiro Suarez, stressed that Syria will win the war against terrorism. Meeting Syrian Ambassador in Cuba, Idris Mayya, Suarez said …

  • 20 November

    Moscow: Shelling chancery in Damascus will not affect Russia’s resolve to eradicate terror hubs in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russia affirmed that the terrorists’ provocations and the shelling of the Russian chancery in Damascus  will not affect Russia’s resolve to continue cooperation with partners to eliminate …

  • 20 November

    Nasrallah: Fighting remnants of Daesh in Syria and Iraq will continue

    Beirut, SANA – Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that the battle against Daesh nears its end and will continue with the same enthusiasm till full eradication of this …

  • 20 November

    Iraqi President: Security of Syria and Iraq is one

    Kuwait, SANA- Iraqi President, Fuad Masum, said on Monday that security and stability in Syria and Iraq are a safety for both countries. President Masum added at a press conference …

  • 20 November

    Lavrov: Preparations underway for Syrian National Dialogue Congress

    Baku, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that preparations continue to hold the Syrian Congress on National Dialogue in the Russian Sochi city next month. In …

  • 20 November

    Lavrov: Joint Investigative Mechanism on Syria acted shamefully

    Baku, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, affirmed on Monday that the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism on Syria “has worked in a shameful way” depending in its conclusions on data …

  • 20 November

    US-led Coalition has not given up the double-dealing with terrorists in Syria, Russian diplomat

    Geneva, SANA- Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva, Alexey Borodavkin said Monday that the alleged US-led coalition has not given up the double-dealing …

  • 19 November

    Russia: Antalya meeting called for continuing efforts through Astana talks to pursue Syrian dialogue in Geneva

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the Russian-Iranian-Turkish meeting in the Turkish city of Antalya discussed all issues related to the political settlement for the Syrian crisis, …

  • 19 November

    Russia gives unique 3D Palmyra model to Syria to help restore ancient city

    Moscow, SANA_ A unique 3D model of the archaological city of Palmyra has been given to Syria to help it rebuild Palmyra and restore the ancient city. The model was …

  • 18 November

    Six Russian bombers destroy Daesh positions and munitions depots in Deir Ezzor

    Moscow, SANA – Russian long-range bombers have destroyed command centers and gatherings for Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization near al-Boukamal city in Deir Ezzor countryside. The Russian Defense Ministry said in …