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Health & Environment

February, 2015

  • 6 February

    Photography exhibition to reveal reality of the plot targeting Syria opened

    Rome, SANA_ A photography exhibition that reveals the reality of the plot hatched against Syria was opened in Santa Maria in Cosmedin church in Rome on Thursday. The exhibition, which was …

  • 2 February

    Three institutions for children with disabilities reopen in Homs

    Homs, SANA- the Social Affairs Directorate in Homs resumed providing care for children with disabilities in three of its institutions specializing in providing care for children suffering from disabilities which …

  • 2 February

    Doctors Syndicate holds 10th electoral conference

    Damascus, SANA – The Syrian Doctors Syndicate held its 10th electoral conference on Monday at Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus. Speaking at the conference, Health Minister Nizar Yazigi said that …

January, 2015

  • 25 January

    Homs and Hasaka Governors discuss cooperation with UNICEF, ICRC

    Homs/Hasaka, SANA – Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi discussed on Sunday with Director of the Office of Emergency Programmes at the UNICEF Afshan Khan prospects of cooperation in health, education, and …

  • 25 January

    Health Minister: 25 tons of medicine allocated for Idleb province

    Idleb, SANA – Health Minister Nizar Yazigi said that the Ministry allocated 25 tons of medicine for treating various medical conditions for Idleb province. Inspecting work at the National Hospital …

  • 22 January

    National volunteer campaign to plant a million seedlings across the country

    Damascus, SANA – A national volunteer initiative aimed at planting a million seedlings all across the provinces was launched Thursday under the title “We can make it green once again”. …

  • 18 January

    Health Minister: No increase in prices of medicine

    Damascus, SANA – Health Minister Nizar Yazigi asserted that there is no increase in the prices of medicine and pharmaceutical products despite the unjust economic embargo imposed on Syria. Touring …

  • 18 January

    Workshop with UNICEF on protecting children against unexploded ordnance

    Damascus, SANA – Education Ministry and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) held a workshop on Sunday to discuss Syria’s national strategy to increase awareness of the dangers of unexploded …

  • 18 January

    Anti-polio vaccination campaign reaches 17,000 children in Homs

    Homs, SANA, An anti-polio vaccination campaign launched in hard-to-reach areas in Homs province reached 17,000 children. The five-day campaign, launched on January 4th in the hard-to-reach areas of Homs province, …

  • 15 January

    Syrian students in France express support to homeland

    Paris, SANA- Syrian students in France expressed support to homeland and pledged to fight terrorism by knowledge and action till Syria is decontaminated from terrorism. The students, in a statement …