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Blood drive in Quneitra in support of army wounded personnel and thalassemia patients

Quneitra, SANA- In support of the Syrian Arab Army’s wounded personnel and thalassemia patients, Health Ministry, in cooperation with the Blood Bank of Damascus and Martyr Mamdouh Abaza Hospital in …

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Two people killed , others injured in car bomb explosion in Afrin city , Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA- Tow people were killed and others were got injured in a car bomb explosion in the vicinity in Afrin city northwest of Aleppo occupied by Turkish regime forces …

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People of Farfara village in Hasaka countryside intercept a convoy of US occupation forces

Hasaka, SANA- In expression of their rejection of the presence of US occupation forces or any occupation force in Syrian al-Jazeera region, Peopel of Farfara village in Hasaka countryside intercepted …

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From the crops of my country… Harvesting cherry crop in Qarah town in Damascus northwestern countryside

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Syrian-Korean Friendship Committee discusses with Korean Ambassador means of developing parliamentary ties

Damascus, SANA- Chairman and members of the Syrian-Democratic Korean Friendship Committee at People’s Assembly discussed on Monday with the Ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Damascus …

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(Step) group in its fifth exhibition celebrates Syrian heritage and popular memory

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US occupation brings in a new convoy of vehicles to Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces brought in military and logistil equipment and vehicles from the Iraqi territories through al-Waleed illegitimate crossing to support its bases in Syrian al-Jazeera. Local sources …

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Barley harvest in al-Dara village in Sweida western countryside

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From the crops of my country.. Harvesting wheat crop in Abtaa village in Daraa northern countryside

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Russian Ambassador in Damascus: Results of election affirmed confidence of Syrians in their president

Damascus, SANA- Special Representative of President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ambassador in Damascus, Alexander Efimov, said that results of the presidential election fully affirmed President Bashar al-Assad’s high …

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