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Mass gathering in Qamishli countryside on occasion of Syrian Arab Army Day

Hasaka , SANA- Clans of Qamishli countryside held a mass gathering in Khrab Askar village in  celebration of the Syrian Arab Army Day, honoring more than 50 families of martyrs. …

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Syria and League of Nations” book by Dr.al-Jaafari, signed at al-Hawash Private University ,Homs

Homs ,SANA- Al-Hawash Private University Theater has hosted a ceremony of signing “Syria and League of Nations” book by Dr.Bashar al-Jaafari ,Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, with presence of official …

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Syria: French statements and stances include nothing but misleading and hypocrisy

Damascus, SANA-Syria reiterated its rejection of the false allegations included in the statement of the French Foreign Ministry yesterday on the situation in Syria as based on lies, hypocrisy and …

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President al-Assad issues decree on extending the exemption of medicinal raw materials form taxes and Customs fees

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad issued on Saturday Legislative Decree No.25 that extends the effects of legislative decree No.14 for the year 2020 until July 31st , 2022. The decree …

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Fire of Akum village in al-Qseir extinguished ..Caretaker Agriculture Minister : it caused damage to plant cover

Homs, SANA- Homs Fire Brigade ,supported by members of the Syrian Arab Army, extinguished a fire that extended on Wednesday from the Lebanese territories towards Akum village in Qseir area …

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Five persons die in fire that erupted at Sheikh Najjar Industrial City in Aleppo

Damascus, SANA-Five persons died  and seven others were injured in a  fire erupted on Thursday in a factory for industrializing paints and plastics in Aleppo Industrial City. Head of Aleppo …

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Arnous: Necessity of establishing companies of renewable energy production to secure electricity to industrial cities

Homs, SANA- Caretaker Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, stressed the importance of finding firms for the renewable energy with a governmental support to ensure electricity to the industrial cities and following …

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Russian forces operating in Syria hold a celebration on occasion of Russian Navy Day

Tartous,SANA-The Command of Russian forces operating in Syria on Sunday held an official ceremony at Tartous beach on occasion of Russian Navy Day. The celebration included a parade that imitates …

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With participation of Syria, WSDC 2021 kicks off

Damascus, SANA- With Syria’s participation, the competition of World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC 2021), organized remotely in the Chinese city of Macau for secondary school students were launched on Sunday …

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Two bronze medals and two certificates of appreciation for Syria in IMO

Damascus, SANA- Students of the Syrian Scientific Olympiad Team have achieved two bronze medals and two certificates of appreciation in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) been remotely conducted by Russia …

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