The army destroys many vehicles for terrorists in Deir Ezzor and Idleb

Provinces, SANA- A military source said Thursday that ISIS terrorists’ command centers and armored vehicles were destroyed in the army continued operations against the Takfiri organization in Deir Ezzor.

The source told SANA that the army units and Deir Ezzor airport protection group clashed on Wednesday night with ISIS terrorist groups along the eastern barricade of the Airport .

The source added that the army killed a number of ISIS terrorists, injured others, while the rest fled away, and destroyed a number of their vehicles and heavy machineguns-equipped armored vehicles.

The source said that the army units operating in Deir Ezzor destroyed a number of the ISIS vehicles and command centers in al-Jbailiyeh, al-Rashidiyeh, al-Howeiqa, al-Sinaa, and al-Rasafeh neighborhoods, killing a number of self-claim field leaders.

Other army units clashed with ISIS terrorist group in al-Bghiliyeh, al-Jneineh, al-Husseiniyeh and northwest of Tal Barouk.

The army destroyed a number of the ISIS fortifications and hideouts, killing and injuring a number of its members.


An army unit destroyed 6 vehicles for the so-called “Jund al-Aqsa” terrorist group that is affiliated to ISIS in Khan Sheikhoun area to the south of Idleb city.

SANA reporter said the army unit targeted a convoy of vehicles for the group that was moving towards Khan Sheikhoun, destroying 6 vehicles and leaving a number of terrorists dead and others injured.


Army units destroyed 5 vehicles for ISIS in the villages of Rasm al-Harml and Um al-Mari in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

A military source said that the army foiled attempts by ISIS terrorists to infiltrate and attack a number of points in the surroundings of the Air force Academy to the east of Aleppo, inflicting them heavy losses.


An army unit launched concentrated operations on gatherings and movement axes of ISIS to the southwest of Tadmur (Palmyra) city in Homs province.

The operations resulted in the killing of a number of terrorists, injuring many others and destroying a number of their vehicles.

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