Update -The army destroys positions of terrorists, killing many of them in several areas

Provinces, SANA-Army and armed forces continued on Monday its military operations against armed terrorist organizations in different parts of the country, killing terrorists and destroying their vehicles.


The army air force destroyed several command-centers and vehicles for terrorists and killed a number of them in airstrikes on their positions in Khan al-Asal, Mansoura and Rashideen and Maskanah in Aleppo countryside.

An army unit carried out operations against Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists, killing many of them in al-Nazihin Camp and al-Kark neighborhood in Daraa al-Balad area in the southern province of Daraa.

To the west of Daraa city, fires of the army targeted the infiltration axis of the terrorists, killing two of them and destroying a motorcycle to the north of the grain silo in al-Yadouda town.

A number of terrorists were killed and 4 heavy machineguns were destroyed near Khazan (tank) al-Kark and the shoe factory. A machine gun also was destroyed to the northwest of al-Jumrok al-Qadim “Old Customs”.

Damascus countryside 

A unit of army unearthed nets of tunnels of 700 m length which were established by terrorists in al-Maranah town to the east of Khan al-Sheh in Damascus countryside.


The army air force destroyed a number of armored vehicles and cars, and killed all terrorists onboard in airstrikes against their gatherings north of Soran, Tal Hawash, Kafr Naboudah and Qasabiyah in Hama countryside.

Earlier, army units foiled an attack by “al-Izza Gathering” and “Jaish al-Naser” terrorist groups on a military position in the northwestern countryside of Hama province.

SANA reporter said that an army unit clashed  with terrorist groups that attacked Tallet (hill) Breidej in the northwestern countryside of Hama.

The reporter added that the clash resulted in foiling the attack and inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists in weaponry and personnel.

Moreover, locals from Hilfaya town said that terrorists of the so-called “al-Izza Gathering” stole the contents of 300 houses after they had forced their residents out.

An army unit also  seized a lorry loaded with 12 RPJ launchers, a B 10 cannon and various types of ammunition belonging to the terrorist organizations in al-Azib valley at the crossroad of al-Tanmiya al-Zira’ia in the eastern countryside, according to the reporter.


The army air force killed a number of terrorists and destroyed their armored vehicles in airstrikes on their gatherings in Maranah, Karfous and Kabana in Lattakia northern countryside.

Earlier, an army unit killed and injured a number of a terrorist group’s members and destroyed one of their vehicles and an amount of arms and ammunition that was in their possession in the surroundings of al-Hayat Farm in the northern countryside of Lattakia coastal province.


The Syrian army air forces wiped out a number of terrorists and destroyed vehicles fitted with machineguns in concentrated airstrikes on gatherings and fortified positions of terrorists of the so-called Jaish al-Fateh in Idleb countryside.

A military source said that the airstrikes targeted terrorists’ fortified positions in Jisr al-Shoghour in Idleb southwestern countryside.

The source added that heavy losses were inflicted upon terrorists in personnel, weapons and vehicles, some of which equipped with varied machineguns.


An army unit targeted sites and gatherings for terrorist organizations in the direction of Talbeisa in the northern countryside of Homs, killing a number of terrorists, injuring others and destroying their weapons and ammunition.


An army unit destroyed six vehicles of ISIS terrorists in the area of Be’r (well) al-Tanmia in the eastern countryside of Sweida Province.

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