More terrorists killed, including Turks, new areas under the army’s control

Provinces, SANA- The army operations targeting the terrorist organizations’ gathering and hideouts resulted in the killing and injuring of scores of terrorists and establishing control over many areas across the country.

Damascus Countryside

A Syrian Arab Army unit destroyed a terrorist den, a transmitter, and three 4WD vehicles belonging to Jaish al-Islam terrorist organization south of al-Iman Mosque in Douma city in Damascus Countryside, killing a number of terrorists in the process.

Sources on the ground told SANA’s correspondent that Tarik al-Lwis, Zakwan Subhia, Munir Idriss and Muhanad al-Bakar were among the terrorists killed in the operation.

In Erbin town, the army’s operations against Jaish al-Islam hideouts resulted in destroying a vehicle loaded with munitions and the killing of terrorists Nawzat Tatnai from Chechnya, Rashed al-Zahrani, and Iyad al-Dabik.

Meanwhile, in Harasta, terrorists Abad al-Rahman al-Esawi, Elias Rajih, Jihad Hazima, Abdullah Dakmak, and Aziz al-Faour were killed during an army operation which targeted their hideout east of al-Mahasni Mosque, which also resulted in destroying munitions that were in the hideout.

Field sources confirmed the death of terrorists Mansour al-Bakai, Hussin al-Daghim, Ziad al-Tawil, Ahmad Mujahid, and Ghazwan al-Basla, who was an Iraqi explosives expert, during precision strike against their hideout west of Ahl al-Safa Mosque in Ayn Tarma town, which also resulted in destroying two of the terrorists’ vehicles.


Tal Ahmar under Army’s control

A unit of the army and the armed forces, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, on Tuesday established full control over the strategic Tal Ahmar to the north of Khan Arnaba in the northeastern countryside of the southern Quneitra province, according to field sources.

The sources added that heavy losses were inflicted upon Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in personnel, equipment and vehicles adding that among killed terrorists the self-claimed leader of the so- called al-Sabtain Brigade Mou’atasem al-Tahan nicknamed Abu Mamoun.

Meanwhile, Takfiri terrorist organizations acknowledged on their pages on the social networking websites that a number of their members were killed including terrorist Alaa Fathi al-Wadi, Omar Nader al-Sa’aid, Ayuob Najim al-Darawsha, Mohannad Hussein al-Tarshan, Bilal Ftaihand Ahmed Mohammad Sweidani.


An army unit, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, killed a number of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists in Tal Ash-heeb in the northeastern countryside of the southern Sweida province.

A military source told SANA Tuesday that the army unit targeted an ISIS terrorist group’s gathering and movement axes in the area.

The source added that the army operation resulted in the killing and injuring of all members of the terrorist group and destroying their weapons and ammunition.


Army units killed and injured a number of terrorists in Daraa al-Mahata in the southern province of Daraa.

An army unit targeted and destroyed an armored vehicle and killed all terrorists in it in Ataman village in the province’s northern countryside.


The Syrian army’s air force launched intensive airstrikes on ISIS hideouts in the surroundings of al-Shaer gas field and in the villages of al-Hiwaniyeh, Rasm al-Sawaneh and Rasm al-Arnab to the east of Homs city.

A number of vehicles and dens with weapons inside were destroyed as a result of the airstrikes, a military source said on Tuesday.

An army unit destroyed ISIS vehicles during an army operation southwest of Duhour al-Qteir, 10 km west of Tadmur (Palmyra) city.

To the northwest of Homs city, an army unit carried out a precise operation Jabhat al-Nusra positions in Kafr Laha village in al-Houla area, leaving a number of terrorists dead and their weapons and ammunition destroyed.


34 terrorists, including 3 Turks, killed in army operation 

34 terrorists, including 3 Turks, killed in an army unit operation in the town of Rabe’a in the northern countryside of the coastal province of Lattakia.


The Syrian army air force destroyed dens of ISIS self-claimed leaders, 30 km to the northeast of Raqqa City.

Deir Ezzor

The Syrian army air force destroyed vehicles of ISIS terrorists in al-Mrei’iyeh and to the east of Deir Ezzor Military Airport.


The Syrian army air force targeted ISIS terrorists’ hideouts and vehicles in Jeb al-Safa, Tal Istabl, al-Dakouneh, Tal Na’am and Tal Fa’ouri in the eastern countryside of

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