Army units tighten control over al-Qaryateen Dam and several areas in Homs countryside  

Homs, SANA_ Army units, in cooperation with the supporting forces, on Tuesday tightened  control over Mahsa Mountain, Swanat al-Mahsa, al-Qaryateen Dam, al-Khanzir Mountain, Tloul al-Khedaryiat, Tloul al-Amida, Talet Um Twaiqa, Sahabat al-Mashtal, Talet al-Etisalat and the train station in the eastern countryside of Homs central province, a military source said.

The source added that dozens of terrorists were killed as their weapons and military equipment were destroyed in the concentrated military operations against the terrorists’ gatherings and fortified positions in the east and south of al-Qaryateen city in the southeastern countryside of Homs.

Laster, the source said that an army unit foiled an infiltration attempt by an ISIS terrorist group from the direction of Um Sahrij village towards Toloul al-Hawa in the eastern countryside of Homs, killing and injuring most of the terrorists.

It affirmed that the Syrian army artillery targeted sites and positions for ISIS terrorists in the surroundings of al-Mustadera and al barida mountains and the villages of Minokh, Habra al-Gharbieh, Jibab Hamad, Tilal al-Musheirfeh al-Janobieh, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists.

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