The 4th Theater Festival kicks off in Lattakia

Lattakia, SANA – Activities of the 4th Theater Festival, organized by the Artists’ Syndicate branch in Lattakia in cooperation with the directorate of theaters and music at the Culture Ministry, kicked off at Dar al-Assad for Culture in Lattakia.

The festival, which lasts till November 18th, includes 6 theatrical shows for groups from Lattakia, Hama, Sweida and Hasaka.

Head of the Syria Artists’ Syndicate Zuheir Ramadan said that mutual cooperation between Culture Ministry and the Syndicate resulted in reviving this festival in order to offer the best to a thriving and passionate audience.

He underlined the steadfastness and sacrifices of Syrian army and people to defend their presence and confront the Zionist mentality and takfiri thinking.

Chairman of the Arab Artists’ Association Moss’ad Fouda extended the Egyptian artists and people’s heartfelt greetings to the Syrians and expressed his confidence in Syria’s ability to achieve victory, adding that the national media outlets as well as cultural and artistic activities have succeeded in conveying the reality of what is taking place in Syria and unveiled misleading disinformation campaigns.

Assistant Culture Minister Tawfiq al-Imam stressed the Ministry’s readiness to provide necessary support for organizing cultural activities that express the Syrians’ future aspirations and visions.

In turn, Head of the Artists’ Syndicate branch in Lattakia, Hussein Abbas indicated that the festival stresses the Syrian people’s determination to go ahead despite the terrorist takfiri war waged on their country since more than five years .

The opening ceremony included honoring prominent figures in performance arts (acting, directing and singing) and screening sketches from previous festival editions.
The 3rd Theatre Festival was held on the 6th of November 2010 with the participation of local and Arab theatrical groups.

R. Raslan / Ghossoun

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