Education Ministry launches “Back to School” campaign, in cooperation with UNICEF

Damascus, SANA-  Education Ministry, in cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), launched on Wednesday the “Back to School” campaign in a message to the world that Syria despite off the spread of coronavirus is able to maintain a healthy and safe environment for the students and teachers.

Education Minister Dr. Darem Tabbaa said, in a press conference held in Jawdat al-Hashimi School in Damascus on Wednesday, that following the students’ cut off from learning, schools will return to open their doors next Sunday in 13rd of current September, indicating that the return of the students to school will be safe and if any symptoms appear on any student, the student will be sent to the School Health Department.

The Minister stressed that the campaign is a message to the world that Syria, despite off the spread of coronavirus is capable to secure safe and healthy environment to the students and teachers through the implementation of the Health Protocol for returning to school, expressing readiness of the school environment to receive students.

He underlined the importance of the community’s participation and the role of media in monitoring the real situation of the schools and activating initiatives, in addition to the role of the parents in the implementation of the Health Protocol in raising the awareness of the students and educating them on the health instructions which they should follow to combat coronavirus, indicating that the Ministry is working to secure an electronic thermometer for each school.

UNICEF Acting Chief of Education Charles Nabongo stressed the importance of supporting the Ministry of Education in Syria to launch the campaign and raising the society’s awareness on the importance of the return to school and means of avoiding the risks of coronavirus, asserting that the educational cadres are facing this year a new challenge in Syria represented by the spread of coronavirus.

Nabongo added that the health situation creates a gap to the students due to the educational loss and we should compensate it  through meeting their needs, creating the safe environment and raising their awareness by the school and the families.

For her part, Dean of Education Faculty at Damascus University Zainab Zaiyoud pointed out to the importance of the quick respond in dealing with the educational situation in light of the spread of coronavirus, asserting the importance of learning via school.

Hala Zain

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