Army continues targeting terrorists in several provinces

Provinces, SANA- Units of the armed forces carried out operations against dens and gatherings of terrorists in several areas, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

A military source told SANA that the army units killed scores of terrorists and wounded others in al-Zafaraneh and Wadi al-Kahf southwest of Hassia in Homs countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army killed and injured a number of terrorists in the areas of Salah Eddin, al-Amryeh, al-Ramousy, al-Mansoura and al-Sukkari in Aleppo and its countryside.

Othe army units foiled terrorists’ attempt to infiltrate into Atman town in Daraa countryside coming from the town’s western direction, killing all the terrorists.

A military source said army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings north of Atman town and in al-Shaikh Miskin town in Daraa countryside, and on al-Sanamin-Shaikh Miskin and al-Sanamin-Kharba roads on the eastern outskirts of Daraa province.

Several terrorists were killed in the operations.

Army units killed several terrorists on Dael-Ibta’ road and near Um al-Mayaden fuel station, and north of Nassib border crossing in Daraa countryside.

The army units targeted terrorists in the areas of Deir al-Adas in Daraa countryside and apprehend terrorist Mohammad Nader Assaf in Taysya on the Syrian-Jordanian borders.

Army units killed numbers of terrorists in al-Hamidiyeh village in Qunaitra countryside.

An army unit destroyed a vehicle equipped with a heavy machinegun along with the terrorists on board in the town of al-Samadaniye al-Gharbiye in Quneitra countryside.

Meanwhile, other army units killed many terrorists and wounded others in Feyloun, Maaret Masrin, Kensafra, Qastoun, Binnesh, Nahlya and in the area surrounding Jabal al-Arba’een and Jabal al-Zawieh in Idleb countryside. The terrorists’ weapons and equipment were destroyed.

An army unit eliminated a number of terrorists and injured others in Deir Sonbol, al-Bara, and south of Abu al-Zuhour in Idleb countryside.

A military source told SANA reporter that the army targeted and destroyed terrorist’ gatherings in Khan Sheikhoun, Maarat Harma, Jabala, Ibleen and al-Tamaana in Idleb countryside.

The army targeted terrorists’ hideouts and concentrations in Aqerbat, al-Hanonyeh, jarouh, northern al-Qastal, and Salba in Hama countryside, killing a number of terrorists and destroying a 23 mm machinegun and three vehicles.

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