Ushakov: Terrorists’ provocations in Idleb witness notable escalation

Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Assistant, Yuri Ushakov asserted that the provocations by terrorists in Idleb have witnessed a notable escalation over the past period, indicating that this issue entails holding a new round of talks with officials of the Turkish regime.

Russia Today quoted Ushakov as saying on Wednesday that the situations in Idleb “raise fears and concerns and the situation there is not simple.”

He indicated that Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet head of the Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan who will visit Russia on January 23rd .

Ushakov noted that Putin and Erdogan “will discuss the current situations in Idleb, and the latest developments in Syria including the US announcement of its intention to pull out its forces from the country.”

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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