Home / Provinces News / Quneitra (page 4)


June, 2020

  • 21 June

    Update-Health Ministry:  six new coronavirus cases registered in Jdeidet al-Fadil town,three of them from the health cadres

    Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced on Sunday that 6 new coronavirus cases have been registered for persons who were in close contacts with people of Jdeidet al-Fadle, among them three …

  • 21 June

    Health Ministry: Imposing a lockdown on Jdeidet al-Fadil town

    Damascus, SANA- The Health Ministry on Saturday night announced imposing a lockdown on Jdeidet al-Fadil town which is affiliated to al-Quneitra Province. In a statement, the Ministry said that “a …

March, 2020

  • 6 March

    Setting up investment projects to support production, provided job opportunities in Quneitra

    Quneitra, SANA_ Top priority has been given by the Syrian government to changing Syria’s investment map and bridge all the gaps that have impeded investment projects, especially because the country …

January, 2020

  • 24 January

    People of occupied Syrian Golan renew utter rejection of Israeli project of wind turbines

    Quneitra, SANA _ Since the occupation of the Syrian Arab Golan, the Israeli occupation authorities have systematically looted its natural and agricultural resources through hundreds of arbitrary and aggressive schemes …

  • 16 January

    A national event in Quneitra on occasion of liberating prisoners Sudqi al-Muqt, Amal Abu Saleh

    Quneitra, SANA-With an official and popular participation, a national event was held today in Ain Al-Tineh site, opposite to the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan, on …

November, 2019

  • 17 November

    Israeli and western made weapons found in countryside of Damascus, Quneitra

    Damascus, SANA-During completing the work of securing areas cleared of terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army, competent authorities on Sunday found quantities of weapons, ammunition and drugs, some of which …

April, 2019

  • 25 April

    Khan Arnaba residents condemn Trump’s Declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan

    Quneitra, SANA The residents of Khan Arnaba and the neighboring villages in Quneitra province have condemned, during  a protest in the town’s square on Thursday,  the US President Donald Trump’s …

February, 2019

  • 7 February

    WHO delegation visits health centers in Quneitra for supporting health services

    Quneitra , SANA_ with  the aim of supporting health services, a delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO) visited a number of health centers in Quneitra southern countryside after defeating …

August, 2018

  • 7 August

    Tens of families return to their homes in Quneitra countryside

    Quneitra, SANA – Hundreds of citizens returned to their liberated villages and towns in Quneitra province after clearing them from terrorism. SANA’s reporter said that tens of families from the …

July, 2018

  • 28 July

    Armed groups in Quneitra Countryside continue to hand over heavy and medium weapons to Syrian army

    Quneitra,  SANA _ Armed groups positioned in Jubata al-Khashab in Quneitra Countryside have handed over new batches of heavy and medium weapons to the Syrian Arab Army according to the …