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Breaking News

April, 2018

  • 26 April

    Doctors and nurses from Douma: There were no cases of chemical poisoning in the city of Douma

  • 26 April

    Syria’s Deputy Representative to the OPCW Ghassan Obaid: The presentation of eyewitnesses aims to reveal the falsity of allegations and lies of Western countries about alleged chemicals’ use in Douma city

  • 26 April

    Syrian and Russian missions at OPCW bring 17 eyewitnesses to the OPCW HQ in The Hague to prove that the alleged chemical attack in Douma city is a fabricated play

  • 23 April

    Syrian army continues conducting precision strikes on terrorist organizations’ hotbeds south of Damascus, inflicting heavy losses upon them

    Syrian army continues conducting precision strikes on terrorist organizations’ hotbeds south of Damascus, inflicting heavy losses upon them

  • 22 April

    A source at Damascus Police Command: 12 civilians injured in terrorist attacks with shells on al-Tadamon and al-Qadam neighborhoods in Damascus

  • 20 April

    The Syrian Arab Army targets terrorist organizations in al-Hajar al-Aswad, south of Damascus

    The Syrian Arab Army targets terrorist organizations in al-Hajar al-Aswad, south of Damascus

  • 20 April

    Lavrov: Moscow has evidence of the UK’s involvement in fabricating the alleged chemical attack in Douma in Damascus Countryside

  • 16 April

    SANA reporter in Homs: One civilian martyred, a woman and a girl injured as terrorist organizations fired rocket shells on al-Ashrafiyeh village in Homs northern countryside

    SANA reporter in Homs: One civilian martyred, a woman and a girl injured as terrorist organizations fired rocket shells on al-Ashrafiyeh village in Homs northern countryside

  • 14 April

    Official source: It was not surprising that the Wahhabi regime in Nejd and Hejaz would support the tripartite aggression against Syria following the defeat of its tools represented by ‘Jaish al-Islam’ terrorists

  • 14 April

    Lavrov: The West failed to produce evidence that chemicals were used in Douma, the same happened in Khan Sheikhoun a year ago