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Arab, International

April, 2015

  • 6 April

    Lavrov: Russia doesn’t set deadlines for resolving crisis in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday said that Russia doesn’t set deadlines for resolving the crisis in Syria, stressing the need for efforts in this regard …

  • 5 April

    Patriarch al-Rai renews call for halting terror war on Syria

    Beirut, SANA – Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi renewed his call for stopping the terror war on Syria and finding peaceful solutions in Syria and other terrorism-afflicted countries, …

  • 5 April

    Jordanian reporters and intellectuals stress Syria and the Resistance will definitely triumph over terrorism

    Amman, SANA – Jordanian reporters and intellectuals stressed their confidence that Syria and the entire Axis of Resistance will definitely triumph over terrorism and its sponsors. They were talking during …

  • 5 April

    Bogdanov and Haddad discuss preparations for new round of inter-Syrian talks

    Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, discussed on Saturday with Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad the preparations …

  • 4 April

    Archbishop Hanna: Terrorist attacks on Yarmouk Camp are shame on humanity

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA – Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia Atallah Hanna addressed Saturday a solidarity letter to the residents of Yarmouk Camp neighborhood who have been under attack by terrorist …

  • 4 April

    Patriarch al-Rahi calls for halting support of terrorists

    Beirut, SANA-Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East called on those who are responsible for wars in the region to stop supplying terrorists with …

  • 4 April

    Mikdad: Time has come for international efforts to eliminate the Israeli arsenal of WMD

    Damascus, SANA-Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad said the only danger which poses a threat to the region is the Zionist entity, affirming that there is no justification to …

  • 3 April

    Tunisia says it plans to reestablish ties with Syria, asks Turkey to stop cross-border flow of terrorists

    Tunis, SANA – Tunisia invited the Syrian Ambassador back to Tunis and said it plans to reopen a consulate in Damascus. “We will not have an ambassador there, but Tunisia …

  • 2 April

    Lebanese Parliament fails again to elect new president

    Beirut, SANA – Lebanese Parliament failed again in electing a new president due to the lack of the constitutional required quorum in the 21st session held for this purpose. Parliament …

  • 2 April

    Seven Egyptians including five soldiers killed in terrorist attacks in Sinai, Egypt

    Seven Egyptians including five soldiers killed in terrorist attacks in Sinai Cairo, SANA-Terrorists launched simultaneous armed terrorist attacks targeting security forces in Rafah and Shaikh zwayed in Sinai northeast Egypt …