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Arab, International

November, 2018

  • 11 November

    Patriarch Yazigi renews need for combating terrorism

    Nicosia, SANA – Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X John X Yazigi of Antioch and All the East renewed the need for combating terrorism that is striking the region. Patriarch Yazji …

  • 10 November

    Nasrallah: Syria still steadfast and has not changed its resistant positions

    Beirut, SANA_ Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that Syria, despite the global war, is still steadfast and has not changed its resistant positions despite all the injustice it …

  • 9 November

    Lavrov and Cavusoglu discuss holding new Astana meeting on Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed during a telephone conversation with Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu preparations for a new meeting within the framework of the Astana platform. …

  • 9 November

    UN: Terrorists in al-Rukban camp use civilians as human shields

    Moscow, SANA- Director of UNHCR’s Regional Bureau for the Middle East and North Africa Amin Awad said that terrorists are using displaced people as human shields in al-Rukban Camp located …

  • 9 November

    Arslan: Syrian Arab Army is Syria’s guarantee of victory over terrorism

    Beirut, SANA- Head of the Lebanese Democratic Party Talal Arslan said that the valiant operation made by the Syrian Arab Army to liberate the civilians abducted from Sweida province proves …

  • 8 November

    President Putin discusses with his counterparts at Collective Security Treaty Organization the situation in Syria

    Astana, SANA-Kremlin Spokesman  Dmitry Peskov announced that Russian president Vladimir Putin discussed with his counterparts at the Collective Security Treaty Organization the situation in Syria. Sputnik News Agency quoted Peskov …

  • 8 November

    Turkish court hands down prison sentences for SANA correspondent in Turkey

    Ankara, SANA- A court affiliated to the regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sentenced SANA’s correspondent in Turkey Hosni Mahali to more than four years in prison for …

  • 7 November

    Counter-terrorism and crisis in Syria to be discussed during Collective Security Treaty Organization’s meeting

    Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Assistant, Yuri Ushakov announced that the Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss counter-terrorism issue and the situation in Syria during the Collective Security Treaty Organization’s meeting …

  • 6 November

    Russia, Iran affirm necessity of continuing war against terrorism in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russia and Iran affirmed the necessity of continuing the war against terrorism in Syria till eradicating it completely. Russian Foreign Ministry asserted in a statement on Tuesday that …

  • 3 November

    Moscow: White Helmets are Jabhat al-Nusra’s branch

    Moscow, SANA- Russia reaffirmed that the so-called “White Helmets” organization is a branch of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, warning of its attempts to make new provocations in Syria. In a …