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Arab, International

February, 2020

  • 21 February

    Diab, Khoury discuss means of enhancing relations between Syria and Lebanon

    Beirut , SANA –  Lebanese  Prime Minister Hassan Diab discussed on Friday with  Secretary General of  Syrian-Lebanese Higher Council  Nasri Khoury  means of enhancing the  relations between Lebanon and Syria …

  • 21 February

    Russia refutes information about civilians moving from Idleb to Syrian-Turkish Border

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry refuted allegations made by Turkish regime about moving hundreds of thousands of civilians from Idleb province towards the Syrian-Turkish border because of military operations against …

  • 21 February

    Putin stresses need to confront terrorist threat, preserve Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity

    Moscow, SANA- Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated necessity of confronting the terrorist threat and preserving Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. RT quoted Kremlin as saying in a statement on Thursday …

  • 20 February

    Moscow: Turkish regime should avoid any provocative statements about Idleb

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday warned the Turkish regime of continuing the release of provocative statements about the situation in Idleb province. Spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria …

  • 20 February

    Russian Defense Ministry calls on Turkish regime to stop supporting terrorists in Idleb

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Defense Ministry called on the Turkish regime to stop supporting terrorists in Idleb city and providing them with arms. Russian Coordination Center said in a statement on Thursday …

  • 20 February

    Peskov: Preparations for holding Russian-Turkish-Iranian summit on Syria are underway

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Presidential Spokesman, Dmitry Peskov said that preparations for holding a trilateral summit between Russia,Turkey, and Iran on Syria are underway, while its date has not set yet. …

  • 20 February

    Communist Party of Slovakia condemns Turkish regime “impudent” support to terrorism in Syria

    Prague, SANA- Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS) has condemned the “impudent” role of the Turkish regime in supporting terrorism in Syria, indicating that this comes in revenge for the successes …

  • 19 February

    Nebenzya calls for continuing the war against terrorism in Syria until eliminating it completely

    New York, SANA— Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Fasily Nebenzya, affirmed on Wednesday the necessity of continuing the war against terrorism till eliminating it completely in Syria and having …

  • 19 February

    Russian Defense Ministry: terrorists in Syria use U.S. weapons against Syrian civilians and army

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry affirmed on Wednesday that terrorists in Syria use weapons they have received from U.S. against the Syrian civilians and army. Head of the Russian Coordination …

  • 19 February

    Okamura: Erdogan’s regime protects, sponsors terrorists in Idleb

    Prague, SANA-Tomio Okamura, Deputy Speaker of the Czech Parliament, affirmed that the Turkish regime headed by Recep Tayyip Erdogan protects and sponsors terrorist groups which spread in Idleb. In a …