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Business & Finance

December, 2014

  • 7 December

    New citrus shipment sent from Lattakia to Novorossiysk in Russia

    Lattakia, SANA – A Russian ship carrying a shipment of 1,500 tons of high-quality citrus left Lattkia port on Saturday evening, heading to Novorossiysk port in Russia. Executive Director at …

  • 7 December

    CBS sets USD exchange rate against SYP at 193.26

    Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Sunday set the exchange rate of the USD against the SYP at 193.26 for the banks and at SYP 193.53 for …

  • 6 December

    Exhibition to support affected medical companies opens Sunday

    Damascus, SANA – Preparations have been completed to hold an exhibition that seeks to support pharmaceutical companies which were affected by the current events in the country under the terrorist …

  • 4 December

    Food Expo wraps up activities with promises of economic improvement

    Damascus, SANA – The food exhibition under the title “Together to push the wheel of economy towards a better Syria” wrapped up activities on Wednesday. The “Fodd Expo” was held …

  • 3 December

    Syria, Russia to enhance oil, energy cooperation

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev discussed Wednesday with a Syrian official delegation cooperation between Federal Russia and Syria in the domains of oil, gas, economy and energy. Press office …

  • 3 December

    DSE indicator rises 4.21 points on Wednesday

    Damascus, SANA-Damascus Securities Exchange closed today’s transactions with 77770 shares distributed to 56 deals with a total value of 8.561.159 million SYP. The market’s indicator raised Wednesday / 4.21/ points …

  • 3 December

    Syria and Russia discuss increasing exchange of agricultural products

    Moscow, SANA – Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Minister Hassan Majed Safiya discussed on Wednesday with Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Nikolai Fyodorov increasing the exchange of agricultural …

  • 2 December

    Wide participation of industrial companies in Food Expo

    Damascus, SANA, “Together to push the wheel of economy towards a better Syria” is the motto of the food exhibition “Food Expo” which was opened Monday evening with the participation …

  • 1 December

    Syrian Exporters Federation forms committee to support inventors

    Damascus, SANA – The Syrian Exporters Federation on Monday formed a committee for supporting inventors with the aim of organizing Syrian inventors’ work and evaluating their work properly. The Federation’s …

November, 2014

  • 29 November

    With Syria’s participation, International Winter Market kicks off in Russia

    Moscow, SANA – Activities of the International Winter market for Trade and Marketing kicked off in Russia, with the participation of Syria. The Syrian pavilion was opened by wife of …