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Bodies of Daesh terrorist leaders found in Tariq al-Sad neighborhood, Daraa

Daraa, SANA-The competent authorities found the bodies of the most prominent leaders of the Daesh terrorist organization, who were fortified inside the neighborhood during the security operation that ended with …

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Handicraft products exhibition by Syrian and Russian artisans and artists kicks off in Aleppo

Aleppo, SANA- Exhibition of handicraft products kicked off Saturday at the Public Park in Aleppo city with participation of 20 artisans and artists from Syria and Russia. The exhibition is …

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Medium-tension line, Jableh countryside, goes out of service due to Israeli aggression

Damascus, SANA- The Israeli aerial aggression on some sites in the central and coastal regions on Saturday caused damage to the electricity network in Lattakia countryside. The Ministry of Electricity …

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National Cancer Screening campaign starts in Homs

Homs, SANA- The National Cancer Screening campaign started on Saturday in Homs province under the motto (Your consciousness is your strength). SANA reporter said that the campaign lasts until January …

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Elders and notables of Syrian tribes in Hasaka renew rejection of the occupation and its separatist plan

Hasaka, SANA -The Council of Sheikhs and Notables of the Syrian Tribes and Clans in Hasaka, during a meeting in the city of Qamishli on Friday, renewed its rejection of …

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Army checkpoint expels US occupation convoy from Qamishli countryside

Hasaka, SANA-An army checkpoint intercepted a convoy of the US occupation forces which tried to enter the village of al-Damkhiya in Qamishli countryside and expelled it from the area. “A …

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Syrian-Russian discussions on boosting environmental cooperation

Sharm El-Sheikh, SANA- Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Hussein Makhlouf, discussed with Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Sergei Anopriyenko, means of promoting the …

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Settling status of the wanted persons continues in Hama province

Hama, SANA- More than 2300 wanted civilians, military deserters, and those who have evaded the compulsory and reserve military service had their files settled in al-Qitar Station settlement center in …

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Turkish occupation artillery bombardment on Abu Rasin town in Hasaka countryside

Hasaka. SANA- Turkish occupation forces renewed its artillery shells targeting two towns in the city of Abu Rasin in Hasaka northwestern country. Local sources told SANA reporter that the Turkish …

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Authorities establish control over Tareeq al-Sad Neighbourhood (dam road) in Daraa

Daraa, SANA- A security source announced Tuesday that Tariq al-Sad neighborhood in the southern side of Daraa city is under the Syrian forces’ control, following the elimination of Daesh (ISIS)remnants …

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