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Foreign tourism agencies confirm that Syria has a historical and cultural heritage, worth visit

Prague, SANA- Czech Tourism Agency announced reorganizing knowledge tours to Syria, stressing that this country has a rich history and cultural heritage that extends back thousands of years. “Syria was …

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Medical points, emergency clinics in Gaza out of service

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Palestinian Red Crescent Society(PRCS) said Tuesday that all medical points and emergency clinics in Gaza City went out of service. “All medical facilities went out of service …

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Syrian economic companies to participate in Gulfood 2025

Damascus, SANA- Syrian Export and Local Production Support and Development agency “EPSDA” called on economic activities to participate in “Gulfood 2025”, which will be held in Dubai, UAE, from February …

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Hasaka Governor discusses with UN Resident Coordinator provinces needs

Hasaka, SANA- Hasaka Governor Dr. Louay Sayyouh discussed with UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in Syria, Adam Abdel Mawla, increasing support provided to service sectors to alleviate the people suffering. …

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40 martyrs in Israeli occupation massacres in Gaza Strip over past 24 hours

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Palestinian Health Ministry said Monday that the Israeli occupation committed three massacres in Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, leaving 40 martyrs and 75 wounded. The …

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One person martyred, another injured in Israeli raids on southern Lebanon

Beirut, SANA- One person was martyred and another was injured in two Israeli drone raids on al-Qleileh area, south of Tyre city. The Israeli aircraft also raided, with two guided …

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Illegitimate presence of foreign forces on Syrian territory violates UN Charter, Russian parliamentarian says

Moscow, SANA- Deputy Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Council of the Russian Federation, Mr Andrei A. Klimov, stressed that Russia respects Syria’s sovereignty and exerts great efforts to …

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Martyrs and wounded in occupation shelling different areas in Gaza Strip

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- A number of Palestinians were martyred and others were injured on Wednesday in the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip. The occupation forces bombed houses in al-Shuja’iyya …

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Presidency Advisor, Luna al- Shibl involved in a traffic accident, admitted to intensive care

Damascus, SANA- Political and Media Bureau of the Presidency of Syrian Arab Republic said in a statement to SANA that the Special Advisor to the Republic Presidency, Luna al-Shibl, was …

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17 Martyrs, a number of wounded in new massacre in Gaza City

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Israeli forces committed, on Tuesday, a new massacre in al-Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza, leaving 17 martyrs and a number of wounded. The occupation shelled a number …

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