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Russia distributes humanitarian aid in Ukraine and Donbass

Moscow, SANA- The Russian military transported and delivered more than 40 tons of humanitarian aid to an area in Kyiv province of Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday. ‘The …

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3,687 Ukrainian military facilities out of service, Russian MoD says

Moscow, SANA- With the 18th day of the special military operation in Ukraine, 3,687 Ukrainian military facilities have been out of service, in addition to destroying about 100 aircrafts and …

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A stand at Damascus University branch in Sweida in support of Russia

Sweida, SANA- Students and profs of Damascus University branch in Sweida province staged a stand in support of Russia in the face of the US and Western policies aimed at …

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Six killed as Ukrainian forces hit a hospital in Donetsk Republic

Donetsk, SANA- Six persons were killed on Sunday morning as Ukrainian forces targeted a hospital in Volnovakha, Donetsk People’s Republic, with tank shells and rocket launchers. The Ukrainian forces bombed …

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Russian MoD releases footage on targeting Ukrainian military post in Kyiv

Moscow, SANA- Russian Ministry of Defense released footage on Sunday showing the destruction of field command center of Ukrainian Armed Forces on the outskirts of Kyiv using Krasnopol guided projectile. …

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Missile attack targets US occupation base in northern Iraq

Baghdad, SANA- Missiles have struck the US occupation base in Erbil, northern Iraq. Several missiles targeted the US Consulate and the US base in the vicinity of Erbil International Airport …

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Four medals for Syria at Asia Triathlon Duathlon Championship, Manama

Manama, SANA- The Syrian National Duathlon Team won four medals: a gold, two silvers and a bronze, at Asia Triathlon Duathlon Championships for age groups, currently held in Manama, Bahrain. …

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Iran calls for condemning Israeli repeated aggression on Syria

Tehran, SANA- Iran called on the International Community and UN Security Council to condemn the Israeli repeated attacks on Syria, latest of which was that targeted the vicinity of Damascus …

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Rainfalls in Damascus on Wednesday 9-3-2022

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Scores join settlement process at Deir Hafer center, Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA- Tens of the wanted have flocked to the settlement center in Deir Hafer town, Aleppo eastern countryside, which was opened by authorities concerned on Feb. 20th, according SANA …

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