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Above-average temperatures, partly cloudy skies

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will continue to rise to become above average as the country is affected by a superficial low accompanied by western air currents in the upper layers of …

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Cabinet endorses a development plan for areas witnessed settlement processes in Daraa province

Damascus, SANA- The Cabinet endorsed on Tuesday a service and development plan for the areas in which the settlement processes have been established in Daraa province. This came during a …

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Arnah on 26-10-2021

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Turkish occupation brings in military reinforcements to support its mercenaries in Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA- The Turkish occupation forces brought in military reinforcements to support its terrorist mercenaries in Ras al-Ayn city, Hasaka northwestern countryside, in parallel their intensified attacks on safe villages …

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Foreign Ministry: Israeli occupation aggression on southern region is desperate attempt to support its terrorist agents

Damascus, SANA-The Israeli occupation perpetrated on Monday a new aggression on the southern region, as part of its repeated attacks on the sanctity and sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic …

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Annual carnival for students of engineering and medical faculties at Damascus University

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Two silver medals for Syria at Arab Swimming Championship, UAE

Abu Dhabi, SANA- Syrian swimmers Ayman Kelzieh and Omar Abbas, gained two silver medals in the 50-meter butterfly and 200-meter freestyle races, respectively, in the Arab Championship which is being …

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Russian Defense Ministry: 13 terrorist attacks from de-escalation zone in Idleb observed

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Ministry of Defense said that the terrorist organizations deployed in the de-escalation zone of Idleb carried out 13 attacks during the past 24 hours. Rear admiral …

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Syrian community in Czech: terrorist bombing is evidence on bankruptcy of terrorist organizations

Prague, SANA- The Syrian community and students in Czech Republic affirmed that the terrorist bombing that targeted a military bus in Damascus on Wednesday is evidence on the bankruptcy and …

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Temperatures to rise, clear to partly cloudy weather in general

Damascus, SANA- Temperature continue to slightly rise to become around average, as the country is affected by a superficial low air pressure accompanied by southwestern air current in the upper …

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