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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbas- Latest Updates

Russian Defense Ministry: 12 Ukrainian military sites targeted with high-precision missiles, 5 rocket-launchers and 8 armored vehicles destroyed during the day. Russian Su-34 bombers target fortified positions of Ukrainian extremists …

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Polyansky: The West uses Ukrainians as fuel for the war against Russia

UN, SANA- Russia’s first Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky, has affirmed that the West is using Ukrainians as “fuel for a proxy war” against Russia. “Western …

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Russia calls on the US to abandon its policy of embargo and sanctions

Washington, SANA- The Russian Embassy in the United States has expressed Moscow’s welcome to announce a new round of dialogue between the United States and Cuba on immigration tomorrow.  “Dialogue …

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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Live Updates

Russian Defense: The Russian forces disabled 44 Ukrainian military sites, shot down two Ukrainian MiG-29 fighters in Kharkov, and destroyed fuel and ammunition cashes using high-precision missiles in Barvinkove 160 …

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Archbishop Koussa: We are ready to sacrifice ourselves so that Syria remains strong

Cairo, SANA- Archbishop Krikor Koussa, Bishop of Alexandria, assured the Armenian Catholics, has affirmed that the Syrian people are united and no one can separate them and they have proven …

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Syria celebrates 76th anniversary of its independence from French colonialism

Damascus, SANA-  On July 24, 1920, Youssef al-Azmeh,  then Syrian Minister of Defense, was martyred along with other heroes while defending Syrian land from the French army, in a battle …

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Mizintsev: Ukrainian forces turned nurseries and health facilities into military sites

Moscow, SANA- Chief of Russia’s National Defense Management Center, Mikhail Mezentsev, announced that Ukrainian forces and extremist nationalists are occupying nurseries, schools, etc., and making them their military headquarters. “Ukrainian …

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Russian helicopters destroy armored vehicles of the Ukrainian forces-video

Moscow, SANA- Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters have targeted armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Russian Defense Ministry stated that the Ukrainian armored vehicles were bombed with guided missiles …

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Lavrov: We have documents proving that Ukraine was preparing to use biological weapons

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stressed that the West is waging an all-out war against his country under the pretext of Ukraine, noting that Washington and its …

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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Live Updates

Moscow: additional information reveal US military activities in Ukraine Russian Defense: 132 Ukrainian military targets were destroyed, including 8 command centres Russian Defense: The Russian Air Force disable 7 Ukrainian …

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