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Rasha milhem

CBS sets the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 375.85 and of EUR at SYP 410.88

Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Monday set the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 375.85 for banks, 375.87 for currency exchange companies and 374 for …

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Monday weather… Clear, Temperatures above average

Damascus, SANA – The temperatures will continue to rise to be from 5 to 8 degrees above average as the country is being affected by a superficial low air pressure …

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Updated- Lavrov and Kerry stress importance of their military coordination over Syria

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his US counterpart John Kerry stressed in a phone conversation the importance of a tight military coordination between Moscow and Washington …

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Shaaban.. An end should be put to behavior of countries supporting terrorism in Syria

Moscow, SANA – Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban on Thursday said that an end should be put to the behavior of the countries supporting terrorism in Syria, pointing …

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Higher Judicial Committee for Elections announces its means of communications

Damascus, SANA – The Higher Judicial Committee for Elections (HJCE) said Thursday that it had posted the numbers of the telephone and Fax on its website as to make it …

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Al-Jaafari… Russian-US agreement on cessation of fighting actions in Syria represents new exam to countries supporting terrorism

New York, SANA- Syria’s permanent envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari affirmed that the Russian-US agreement on cessation of fighting actions in Syria is going on the track identified by …

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Army continues combating terrorism throughout the country, kills tens of terrorists

Provinces, SANA – The Syrian Arab Army continued on Monday carrying out counter-terrorism operations across the country, killing scores of terrorists and destroying their positions and dens. Homs A military …

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President Bashar al-Assad’s interview with Spanish newspaper of El Pais

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Putin.. Russian Forces protect civilians from terrorism in Syria

Moscow, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that his country seeks to solve the crisis in Syria in political and diplomatic means. Putin clarified, during Defender of the Fatherland …

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Army restores prominent and strategic areas in Lattakia northern countryside

Lattakia, SANA – The Syrian Arab Army has made a great achievement regaining control over several strategic areas in the northern countryside of Lattakia despite the ruggedness terrain of the …

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